Sinónimos & Anagramas | Palabra Inglés HEU




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Ejemplos de uso de HEU en una oración

  • civilian exports of weapons-grade highly enriched uranium (HEU) to encourage foreign users to switch to reactor-grade low-enriched uranium (LEU) for isotope production.
  • Department of Energy initiated a program in 1978 to develop the means to convert research reactors from using highly enriched uranium (HEU) to the use of low enriched uranium (LEU), in support of its nonproliferation policy.
  • The terms also required that the HEU be converted by dilution (downblending) to LEU in Russian nuclear facilities.
  • Even with less compression, the larger 117 kg pit of HEU in the Orange Herald Small should have had a roughly similar efficiency, but the observed 720 kiloton yield equals only just over 6 kilotons per kilogram of uranium.
  • The United States of America welcomes the Republic of Kazakhstan's activities to strengthen nuclear security and implement decisions of the Washington and Seoul Nuclear Security Summits, including by converting the VVR-K research reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel, downblending the INP's highly enriched uranium (HEU) material and removing the HEU spent fuel from the reactor.
  • The poem is composed of twenty three-line romance strophes each with a distich of two dodecasyllables and the parenthetical heptasyllabic refrain Heu mihi misero!, which does not mark a division in thought but is inserted regularly in an otherwise continuous syntax.
  • The surname Heuer was first found in what are now Germany and Switzerland, where the earliest mentions of the name include Cunrat der Hewer in Württemberg in 1329, Heu in Konstanz, Hauwemenger in Frankfurt in 1387, and Heurechen in Zürich in 1400.
  • Explorer AUV is one of the projects of 863-512 subprogram of the 863 Program in PRC, developed by a joint team of research and educational establishments including the 702nd Research Institute (中国船舶重工集团公司第702研究所) of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), Shenyang Institute of Automation (沈阳自动化所) of Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Shipbuilding Engineering Institute (船舶工程学院) of Harbin Engineering University (HEU), Institute of Underwater Engineering (水下工程研究所) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SHJTU), and other establishments totaling over a dozen.
  • Gerold Hayer, Ulrich Müller: Flebilis heu maestos cogor inire modos: Gefängnis-Literatur des Mittelalters und der Fall des württembergischen Grafen Heinrich (1448–1519), in: Licht der Natur.
  • After launching, the HEU is recovered by the standby hyperbaric rescue vessel (HRV) and transported to the standby hyperbaric reception facility (HRF), where the divers are transferred under pressure and decompressed in relative safety and comfort.

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