Anagramas & Información sobre | Palabra Inglés LIONCELS
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- This device did not appear on their coat of arms, (az, a bend ar cotised or, between 6 lioncels or) nor their crest (gu, doubled erm, a lion gardant crowned), but it does appear on Humphrey's personal seal (illustration).
- —Also Warner and Whetenhall, as before, impaling quarterly, 1st, gules, on a chevron a lion rampant sable, crowned or, Brook Lord Cobham;—2d, gules, on a chevron or, three lioncels rampant sable, Cobham Lord Cobham;—3d, azure, on a fess between three leopards faces or, a crescent sable, Delapole;—4th, argent, seven mascles voided gules, Braybrook.
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