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- Sangster estimated that the two Macaronesian species diverged at the end of the Early Pleistocene, 850,000 years ago, An analysis of feather lice from Fea's petrels Pterodroma feae deserti from Bugio Island and Zino's petrels from the Madeiran mainland showed that there were marked differences between the two seabirds in terms of the parasites they carried, suggesting that they have long been isolated, since lice can normally only be transferred through physical contact in the nest.
- The band-rumped storm petrel, Madeiran storm petrel, or Harcourt's storm petrel (Hydrobates castro) is of the storm petrel family Hydrobatidae.
- Other fish are found away from the urban areas in unpolluted waters, with the Atlantic bumper (Chloroscombrus chrysurus) and the Madeiran sardinella (Sardinella maderensis) being abundant, and the Guinean striped mojarra (Gerres nigri) and Senegal jack (Caranx senegallus) also contributing to the catch.
- The Madeiran bird has green upperparts, whitish underparts and two white wingbars, and a distinctive head pattern with a black eye stripe, short white supercilium, and a crest that is mainly orange in the male and yellow in the female.
- Birds for which the IBA is significant include Madeiran storm petrels (1,500 breeding pairs), red-billed tropicbirds (500 pairs), white-tailed tropicbirds (1,000 pairs), Ascension frigatebirds (6,000 pairs), masked boobies (1,300 pairs) and black noddies (5,000 pairs).
- The current Portuguese Constitution, in force since 25 April 1976, granted political and administrative autonomy to the Madeiran and the Azorian archipelagoes and turned the local government throughout the country democratically elected.
- These include Madeiran holly (Ilex perado), Azorean holly (Ilex azorica), flowering laurel (Viburnum treleasei), Azores juniper (Juniperus brevifolia), Azores laurel (Laurus azorica), Portugal laurel (Prunus lusitanica), Azorean laurel (Prunus azorica), woolly tree fern (Culcita macrocarpa), Azores blueberry (Vaccinium cylindraceum) and a wood rush (Luzula purpureo-splendens).
- The Madeiran chaffinch (Fringilla maderensis) is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae.
- Birds described in 1851 include the bare-necked umbrellabird, common ʻamakihi, dusky-headed parakeet, Madeira firecrest, Madeiran storm petrel, North Island brown kiwi, olive sparrow, grey-crowned palm-tanager, red-headed fody, rufous-throated tanager, silver-throated tanager, Sri Lanka bush warbler, yellow-bellied tanager and yellow-eared bulbul.
- Typical birds in these areas include Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola), the common blackbird (Turdus merula azorensis), western Azores goldcrest (Regulus regulus inermis) and Madeiran chaffinch (Fringilla coelebes moreletti).
- Madeiran endemics include Polystichum maderensis, Cerastium vagans, Armeria maderensis, Goodyera macrophylla, Viola paradoxa, Crambe fruticosa, Matthiola maderensis, Sinapidendron angustifolium, Saxifraga maderensis, Sorbus maderensis, Cytisus maderensis, Senecio maderensis, Phalaris maderensis, Pittosporum coriaceum, and Musschia wollastonii.
- Exotic plants originally introduced for timber, windbreaks, and garden plants, including Japanese red cedar (Cryptomeria japonica), Australian cheesewood (Pittosporum undulatum), kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum), ice plant (Carpobrotus edulis), Gunnera tinctoria, bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) and the Madeiran native Clethra arborea, have spread into wild areas where they displace native plants and alter habitat for native animals.
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