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Ejemplos de uso de MOIS en una oración

  • March 19, 2002, approximately three months after Malice Mizer announced their indefinite hiatus, Mana announced the formation of his solo project, Moi dix Mois.
  • They opened for Moi dix Mois on several occasions, played at various events, and also made a number solo appearances as well.
  • He was accompanied by Don Barretto, sang with his sister Germaine and was accompanied by the pianist and composer Mireille while interpreting songs from the operetta Un Mois de Vacances.
  • Le Gentil's own account was published in Voyage dans les mers de l'Inde, fait par ordre du Roi, à l'occasion du passage de Vénus, sur le disque du Soleil, le 6 juin 1761 & le 3 du même mois 1769 par M.
  • After Malice Mizer went on an indefinite hiatus in 2001, Mana founded his solo project, Moi dix Mois in 2002.
  • He designed a series of tapestries titles Les Mois Arabesques, some of which were used by the painted enamel industry of Limoges.
  • Douville tried vainly to establish the truth of his story in Ma Defense (1832), and Trente Mois de ma Vie, ou Quinze Mois avant et Quinze Mois aprés ma Voyage au Congo (1833).
  • In 2001, he published Le vieux pagne ("The Old Pagne"), and in 2002 Riche ou pauvre pour un mois ("Rich or Poor For a Month").
  • On 24 October (le 3 du 2e mois; later: le 3 Brumaire) of the same year, the poet Philippe-François-Nazaire Fabre, known as Fabre d'Églantine, made public his dislike of this naming convention ("le premier jour de la première décade du premier mois de la première année").
  • "Erection en baronnie de la seigneurie de Longueuil en faveur de Charles Lemoyne de Longueuil" donné à Versailles, le vingt-sixième du mois de janvier, l'an de grâce mil sept cent, et de notre règne, la cinquante-septième – signé Louis.
  • Un enfant dans son berceau, entrainé par les eaux de l'inondation du mois de Nivôse an X, taille réduite de l'œuvre de 1802, 1810.
  • Bănăţeanu, "Le calendrier arménien et les anciens noms des mois", in: Studia et Acta Orientalia 10, 1980, pp.
  • The most popular places to go to are Upper Penang Road with its many trendy pubs such as Soho Free House, Momo, Fame, Mois, Carmen and Slippery Senoritas; Chulia Street which is awash with many little bars popular with travellers; Pulau Tikus with its Belissa Row and the likes of Orange Bar and Segafredo; and Gurney Drive with its Gurney Walk and Gurney Place.

  • Forwards: Geza Szabo, Iulian Florescu, Alexandru Kalamar, Gyula Szabo, Eduard Pana, Ion Gheorghiu, Stefan Texe, Ion Basa, Aurel Mois, Valentin Stefanov.
  • Passerelle des jours : soixante mois de poésie pour accompagner des photographies de Marcel Imsand, Bertil Galland, 1981.
  • Manuel bénédictin, contenant l'Imitation de Jésus-Christ; la Règle de saint Benoist; les Exercices tirés de cette règle; et la Conduite pour la retraite du mois (1755).
  • Best Supporting Actor:
    Jean-Hugues Anglade, for La Reine Margot
    Fabrice Luchini, for Le Colonel Chabert
    Claude Rich, for La Fille de d'Artagnan
    Bernard Giraudeau, for Le Fils préféré
    Daniel Russo, for Neuf mois.
  • Est puni d'un emprisonnement de trois mois à deux ans et d'une amende de 50 000 à 500 000 francs quiconque commet un outrage public à la pudeur.
  • Catherine Jacob (born 16 December 1956) is a French film and theatre actress who has won a César Award for her role in Life Is a Long Quiet River (1988), and was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in Tatie Danielle (1990), Merci la vie (1991) and Neuf mois (1994).
  • In August, a wiretapped phonecall tipped off the Israeli Mossad that a rendez-vous between Ihab Saqr and an Iranian MOIS official was planned in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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