Anagrammeja & Tietoja | englanti sana AIWO
Kirjeiden luku määrä
On Palindromi
Esimerkkejä AIWO käyttämisestä lauseessa
- University of the South Pacific Nauru Campus was previously in Aiwo District; it moved to Yaren District in 2018.
- He served his first two terms for the Aiwo Constituency when ousting Itubwa Amram in the 1971 elections; after being re-elected thrice Clodumar resigned his post in early 1979, but was re-elected in the 1983 elections.
Etsi AIWO:
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
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