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Esimerkkejä ASSIGNEE käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Former New Jersey Governor Aaron Ogden had tried to defy the monopoly but ultimately purchased a license from a Livingston and Fulton assignee in 1815 and entered business with Thomas Gibbons from Georgia.
- An assignor may assign rights, such as a mortgage note issued by a third party borrower, and this would require the latter to make repayments to the assignee.
- McAlister sold a majority stake to several other investors which included former governor Allan Shivers, resulting in the creation of the Channel Twenty-Four Corporation as the assignee.
- Under the civil law system, cession is the equivalent of assignment, and therefore, is an act by which a personal claim is transferred from the assignor (the cedent) to the assignee (the cessionary).
- If the assignee of a patent application has difficulty determining for itself whether it qualifies for small-entity status, authorized SBA officials may make formal entity size determinations, based upon a specific patent application pursuant to USPTO rules.
- In its most basic form, it states that once a landlord has consented to an assignment of a tenant's interest in a leasehold estate, the landlord implicitly consents to all future assignments by the assignee.
- 2017: Risk Management Product of the Year, CIR Risk Management Awards for TravelTracker and Incident Management Services, International Healthcare and Risk Management Provider of the Year, FEM EMMA EMEA Award, and winner in four categories at the Americas EMMAs: Best Use of Data Analytics within Global Mobility, Most Innovative Use of Technology in Global Mobility - Assignee Management, International Healthcare and Risk Management Provider of the Year and Thought Leadership – Best Survey or Research Study of the Year.
- Method for endoluminal excluding an aortic aneurysm, Patent number: 6168610, Assignee: Endovascular Systems, Inc.
- That is to say the patentee or his assignee having in the act of sale received all the royalty or consideration which he claims for the use of his invention in that particular machine or instrument, it is open to the use of the purchaser without further restriction on account of the monopoly of the patentees.
- The relationship between an assignor and an assignee under an assignment or contractual rights (including by way of security) against another obligor under the original contract is governed by the applicable law of the contract of assignment.
- Though the account that the castle had been completed in 1619 is contradicted by a later Survey (in 1622) of the Escheated Counties of Ulster that reads; Sir John Stuart, assignee of the Duke of Lennox ‘has built a castle of lime and stone on the banks of the River Foyle 50’ x 25’ x 3½ stories, slated, with 4 flankers at the top thereof.
- The Limitation Act 1623 also applied to the personal remedy on a simple contract debt which was charged on land, where there was no convenient way to pay; to a simple contract debt which was recited in a deed, unless there was in the deed an express or implied contract to pay it; to a warrant of attorney to confess judgment for the amount of a simple contract debt; to an action for mesne profits; to an action against the equitable assignee of leaseholds in possession, grounded on his liability to perform the covenants in the lease; to a set-off or counterclaim; to an action founded on a foreign judgment; and to an Admiralty action for seamen's wages.
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