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Esimerkkejä BELITTLE käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • Insults can be intentional or unintentional, and they often aim to belittle, offend, or humiliate the target.
  • Gail believed there was an organized conspiracy to belittle his learning and professional success, and there was a feud between him and his literary opponents, the most distinguished of whom was PL Courier.
  • A diminutive is a word obtained by modifying a root word to convey a slighter degree of its root meaning, either to convey the smallness of the object or quality named, or to convey a sense of intimacy or endearment, and sometimes to derogatorily belittle something or someone.
  • According to Meshoe, these claims trivialise the word apartheid, and belittle the magnitude of the racism and suffering endured by non-white South Africans during the apartheid era.
  • For much of Season 7, Joan mourned the loss of her friendship with Toni, eventually opting to resent and belittle her in front of the group.
  • Verrill finds himself growing fond of Wilson after the latter defends him against a fellow guest who makes antisemitic remarks in front of Verrill (who happens to be Jewish) and challenges the hotel manager to a fistfight after witnessing him insult and belittle a black waiter for spilling a drink.
  • Hamley considered that his services in Egypt had been insufficiently recognised in Lord Wolseley's despatches, and expressed his indignation freely, but he had no sufficient ground for supposing that there was any intention to belittle his services.
  • It has been suggested by Wojciech Załuski that a true ethical solipsist will be an adult who will belittle the reality of other people and show a negative ethical evaluation; this could include extreme narcissism or egotism and the Marquise de Sade’s philosophie de libertinage may be one example of this.
  • A relentless self-promoter, the bright tracksuit and toy shark are consistent with Brenes' ostentatious personality; he will often use the shark to belittle his opponents, thus gaining himself more time in front of the cameras.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Makin's chairmanship had been "scathingly criticised in the lobbies" in England, while The Daily Mirror defended Makin, stating that he had "conducted proceedings with scrupulous fairness, great care, obvious sincerity and no small degree of skill", and deriding what they labelled a "campaign to belittle and disparage" him.
  • Detractors of the time tried to belittle the word "normalcy" as a neologism as well as a malapropism, saying that it was poorly coined by Harding, as opposed to the more accepted term normality.
  • Ælfric's nickname, or byname, "Puttoc" probably means "kite" (the type of bird; confer Old English pyttel, "kite; little hawk"), and may have been an invention by the monks of Worcester to belittle Ælfric.
  • Pusapati, startled awake, ejaculated that they would belittle their entire clan as cowards for his having gained entry by stealth through the rear.
  • Many of these workers had bosses who would oppress and belittle them, and Tepper studied the effect these bosses had on them.
  • Lerner also describes his surprise at hearing his students derogate (disparage, belittle) the poor, seemingly oblivious to the structural forces that contribute to poverty.
  • He also refutes many political and theological doctrines of the Shi'ah by adducing traditional and rational arguments and controverts their assertions that belittle the status of these companions and successors of Muhammad.
  • However, Joseph stands up by reprimanding Varghese for his belief in using his authority to belittle and harass others.
  • Judge Flaherty remained convinced that fluoridation is a dangerous practice based on the scientific evidence and moreover that those who belittle opponents of fluoridation do the public a disservice.
  • Heidecker frequently uses his time on camera to discuss anything on his character's mind except film, or to simply berate and belittle Turkington.
  • • No person shall mutilate, damage, desecrate, trample, insult or belittle with words or works the flag.


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