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Esimerkkejä BISTORT käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Bistorta officinalis (synonym Persicaria bistorta), known as bistort, common bistort, European bistort, or meadow bistort, is a species of flowering plant in the dock family Polygonaceae native to Europe and northern and western Asia.
- Species noted in 2007 include woodruff, bird cherry, primrose, common violet, oak, stitchwort, golden male (scaly) fern, bugle, opposite-leaved golden saxifrage, bluebell, dog's mercury, broad buckler fern, watercress, lady fern, male shield fern, kidney vetch, woodrush, woodsedge, blackthorn, hawthorn, marsh marigold, foxglove, sweet cicely, herb robert, red campion, bistort, ribwort plantain, water avens, wood avens, moschatel, elm, alder, and many liverworts.
- As a result, islands harbour arctic and alpine plant species such as alpine chickweed (at its most southerly occurrence), Dryas drummondii (not found again for 1600 km (1000 mi) north), and alpine bistort, an Inuit delicacy eaten with seal oil.
- Bistorta vivipara (synonym Persicaria vivipara) is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant in the knotweed and buckwheat family Polygonaceae, commonly known as alpine bistort.
- Persicaria bistorta, also known as bistort, a plant in the knotweed family, Polygonaceae, once classified as Polygonum bistorta.
- There are two seasons of wildflower bloom - one in spring (March and April) when the rhododendrons bloom, and another in the post-monsoon season (around October), when the lower forests bloom (Primula, Geranium, Saxifraga, Bistort, Senecio, Cotoneaster and numerous orchids).
- Other herbaceous plants growing on the sparse grassland, especially in gullies and ravines, are Salix denticulata, Mertensia tibetica, Potentilla desertorum, Juniperus polycarpus, alpine bistort, Berberis pachyacantha and Spiraea lycioides.
- Bistorta affinis (synonyms Polygonum affine, Persicaria affinis), the Himalayan bistort, fleece flower, or knotweed, is a species of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae, native to the Himalayas (Tibet, Nepal, northern India, Pakistan, Kashmir).
- The most frequent 26 ingredients are: garden angelica, healing wolfsbane, birthwort, bistort, sweet flag, Carline thistle, dittany, gentian, masterwort, black salsify, tormentil, valerian, blessed thistle, dittany of Crete, rue, germander, laurel berries, juniper berries, cinnamon, cloves, viper meat, and the two concoctions mithridate and theriac, as well as white wine and honey.
- At the extreme south eastern corner of the site there is an area of marshy grassland with abundant meadow-sweet, wild angelica, common knapweed, and sneezewort and where there is periodic flooding of the shore you can also find species like common spike rush, reed canary grass, lesser spearwort, and amphibious bistort.
- The number of aquatic plants is relatively small, with the lake floor dominated by rigid hornwort, and free-floating plants including Lemna minor, yellow water-lily, white waterlily, broad-leaved pondweed, and amphibious bistort.
- The other ingredients are red roses, bole armoniac, storax, cinnamon, cassia lignea (coarse bark of Cinnamomum cassia), dittany, tormentil roots, bistort, gentian, galbanum, amber, terra sigillata, opium, long pepper, ginger, mel rosatum, and malmsey.
- Common aquatic plants in the water column include rigid hornwort and yellow water-lily coupled with a presence of Nuttall's waterweed, frogbit, common duckweed, white waterlily, amphibious bistort, and four species of pondweeds.
- Plants such as Angelica, great willowherb, amphibious bistort, betony, gipsywort and yellow flag iris are all common to the area.
- The aquatic flora composed of reed, common club-rush, flowering rush, yellow iris, greater water-parsnip, brooklime, bulbous rush, toad rush, eight-stamened waterwort, needle spike-rush, spring quillwort, amphibious bistort, pale persicaria, rigid hornwort, horned pondweed, perfoliate pondweed, blunt-leaved pondweed, grass-wrack pondweed, fennel pondweed, various-leaved pondweed, lesser pondweed, fan-leaved water-goosefoot, whorled water-milfoil, alternate water-milfoil, spiked water-milfoil, Canadian waterweed, Nuttall's waterweed, and common duckweed.
- Aquatic plants includes reed, club-rush, wood club-rush, broadleaf cattail, flowering rush, water hemlock, yellow iris, yellow loosestrife, bittersweet, yellow water-lily, white water-lily, broad-leaved pondweed, red pondweed, whorled water-milfoil, amphibious bistort, water-soldier, frogbit, duckweed, greater bladderwort, and greater duckweed.
- The area also includes areas of acidic unimproved upland grassland, including approximately a hectare within the Trentabank nature reserve; this supports species including bluebell, tormentil, pignut, birdsfoot trefoil, foxglove and lesser knapweed, while the reservoir margins support aquatic plants including amphibious bistort, water mint, water horsetail and common spikerush.
- It shows preference to a diverse selection of scrub-type food plants across its large geographical range, such as: thyme, scabious, knapweed, ling, lavender, masterwort, marsh, and thistles for the male, and sallow, dandelion, clover, bilberry, sycamore, cornflowers, bistort, bugle, thyme, cotoneaster, heath, and raspberry for the female.
- Aquatic plants include amphibious bistort (Persicaria amphibia), horned pondweed (Zannichellia palustris), perfoliate pondweed (Potamogeton perfoliatus), shore-weed (Littorella uniflora) and six-stamened waterwort (Elatine hexandra).
- Plants include wood anemone, bluebell and greater stitchwort and at the southern end there is a small pond with amphibious bistort and brooklime.
- Mule's ears, buttercups, purshia, bistort, various penstemons, mahala mat, and shooting stars are common.
- Also found at the site are Various-leaved Pondweed (Potamogeton gramineus), Amphibious Bistort (Polygonum amphibium), and Marsh Cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum).
- Vegetation at the ponds includes amphibious bistort (Polygonum amphibium), common spike-rush (Eleocharis palustris), water horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile) and water crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis).
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