Anagrammeja & Tietoja | englanti sana BOMBAS
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Esimerkkejä BOMBAS käyttämisestä lauseessa
- As municipal seat, Xico has governing jurisdiction over the following communities: Las Bombas, Comalchica, Santa Cruz, El Triángulo, El Invernadero, Colonia Ampliación (San Miguel Tláhuac), and Ejido Tulyehualco (Tabla Número Nueve) as well as 13 unnamed communities.
- The first documentation of bomba dates back to 1797: botanist André Pierre Ledru described his impressions of local inhabitants dancing and singing popular bombas in Voyage aux îles de Ténériffe, la Trinité, Saint-Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto Ricco.
- File:EAST FRONT - Parque de Bombas, Plaza Munoz Rivera, Ponce, Ponce Municipio, PR HABS PR,6-PONCE,4-2.
- Recognizing that the political situation has become extremely tricky, and tiring of the war, Mickle and Las Bombas don disguises and infiltrate Regian headquarters.
- A Cal-Style VW was an all original VW typically painted in factory colors (two-tones are frowned on, unless original from the factory) that was lowered all the way around and kept all the chrome trim, bumpers, and subtle chrome lowrider influenced accessories like chrome gravel guards or rain deflectors, heavily influenced by the 1930s-1940s lowrider "bombas" Cal-Stylers saw growing up in their Los Angeles neighborhoods.
- Los Chinos de Ponce (English: "The Chinesemen of Ponce"), formally King's Cream, is an Ice cream parlor located at Calle Marina 9322 in the city of Ponce, Puerto Rico, in front of the town square, Plaza Degetau, opposite the historic Parque de Bombas.
- According to a 2005 work, Purim Sebastiano (also called Purim de los Christianos and Purim de las Bombas) is still commemorated annually in Tangier, Tétouan, and Fez; the holiday incorporates the reading of a megillah, the recital of special hymns, and the giving of charity.
- In terms of repertoire, Los Pleneros 21 performs traditional bombas and plenas as well as songs composed by Marcial Reyes Arvelo, Angel Louis Torruellas, Raphael Cepeda, Juan Gutiérrez, and other group members.
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