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Esimerkkejä COMB käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • At first glance, this technique can be viewed as subtractive synthesis based on a feedback loop similar to that of a comb filter for z-transform analysis.
  • The structure of the comb may be left basically intact when honey is extracted from it by uncapping and spinning in a centrifugal honey extractor.
  • These homemade instruments are ordinary objects adapted to or modified for making sound, like the washtub bass, washboard, spoons, bones, stovepipe, jew's harp, and comb and tissue paper.
  • comprise a phylum of marine invertebrates, commonly known as comb jellies, that inhabit sea waters worldwide.
  • In the center of the county is Cedar Mesa, Comb Wash, Natural Bridges, and Hovenweep National Monuments.
  • Palenque is a medium-sized site, smaller than Tikal, Chichen Itza, or Copán, but it contains some of the finest architecture, sculpture, roof comb and bas-relief carvings that the Mayas produced.
  • Young of Fort Worth and Irishman Ben Galbraith of Illinois established the beginnings of the Curry Comb Ranch in the northwestern part of Garza County.
  • Some tellings also say Uenuku had built a canoe for his 70 sons and set about to do their hair with sacred combs for the first voyage, or that Ruatapu was about to use Uenuku's own sacred comb rather than Kahutia's.
  • By 1845 Willington included a thread mill, a cotton mill, three silk factories, a scythe factory, four comb factories, button mills, and a glassworks (1815–1871) producing demijohns and flasks of various designs.
  • govs "diminishing increment sort" definition mentions the term 'comb sort' as visualizing iterative passes of the data, "where the teeth of a comb touch;" the former term is linked to Don Knuth.
  • Now in the British Museum's collection in London, the rich grave finds include a pair of oval brooches and other dress accessories, a comb, remnants of a bucket and a box, a bridle-bit, agricultural tools, a bronze bowl, a whalebone plaque, a weaving batten and a whetstone.
  • The arrangement of the pins enabled the top and sides of each stamp across the row to be perforated in a single operation, and this became known as "comb" perforation.
  • As another example, many sorting algorithms rearrange arrays into sorted order in-place, including: bubble sort, comb sort, selection sort, insertion sort, heapsort, and Shell sort.
  • When the wind is in the east, many birders watch for seabirds from below the lighthouse, or later in the autumn comb the hedges and valleys for landbird migrants.
  • Items such as comb fragments, pieces of iron cooking utensils and chisels, chess pieces, ship rivets, carpenter's planes, and oaken ship fragments used in Inuit boats have been found far beyond the traditional range of Norse colonization.
  • In the male, there is a wattle on the neck and a large, dark red comb or caruncle on the crown of the head.
  • Morgan Hair Refining Company, which sold hair care products, including his patented hair straightening cream, hair coloring, and a hair straightening comb invented by Morgan.
  • ! Year !! Team !! GP !! COMB !! TOTAL !! AST !! SACK !! FF !! FR !! YDS !! INT !! YDS !! AVG !! LNG !! TD !! PD.
  • The Gallic reaper involved a comb which collected the heads, with an operator knocking the grain into a box for later threshing.
  • The relative location of the brood chamber within the beehive may also change as bee keepers add more boxes or as wild bees build fresh comb into available cavities.
  • All carabids except the quite primitive flanged bombardier beetles (Paussinae) have a groove on their fore leg tibiae bearing a comb of hairs used for cleaning their antennae.
  • Comb, George (1827) A Tribute of Respect to Departed Greatness: being the substance of a sermon, delivered on occasion of the decease of the Rev.
  • A misidentified species of extinct Mauritian comb duck was initially described from unrecognised remains of the Mauritius sheldgoose (Alopochen mauritiana); this was realised as early as 1897, but the printed case of mistaken identity can still, occasionally, be found in modern-day sources.
  • As the "perching ducks" were split up, the comb duck was moved to the Tadorninae or shelduck subfamily.
  • While conventional advice often recommends inspecting each colony each week during the warmer months, heavy work when full supers have to be lifted, some beekeepers fully inspect top-bar hives only once a year, and only one comb needs to be lifted at a time.

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