Synonyymit & Tietoja | englanti sana DEATHBLOW
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Esimerkkejä DEATHBLOW käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Mogerado was killed when Tentou blasted his sunglasses off, leaving him blinded by sunlight and vulnerable for the deathblow by Tentou's Crossway Slicer.
- The final overthrow of the Qarmatians started with the revolt of Abu al-Bahlul al-Awwam, but the deathblow was struck once Al Uyuni petitioned the Abbasid caliph Al-Qa'im and the Seljuk Emperor Malik-Shah I (represented by his vizier Nizam al-Mulk) for reinforcements in 1072 or 1073.
- Deathblow Offside 's original song was recorded as the 2002 FIFA World Cup Cheer for South Korea Which included Real Madrid's cheer's melody, but Deathblow Offside was arranged to include only Crying Nut's original writing.
- Hero countered a handspring elbow by Gatson by hitting an elbow smash and then followed by hitting a Deathblow and applied a Stretch Plum Alpha on Gatson to make him submit for the win.
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