Synonyymit & Tietoja | englanti sana DIVISIO
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Esimerkkejä DIVISIO käyttämisestä lauseessa
- It consists of a prayer in cuaderna via to God and the Virgin in which he requests their help, a proem in prose that adopts the genre of cult sermon (or divisio intra, but written in Spanish) that could be parodic, another prayer invoking the divine favor to finish the book, and finally ending with two lyrical couplets to Santa María.
- With the capitularies have been incorporated various documents; for instance, the rules to be observed in administering the king's private domain (the celebrated Capitulare de villis vel curtis imperii, which is doubtless a collection of the instructions sent at various times to the agents of these domains); the partitions of the kingdom among the king's sons, as the Divisio regnorum of 806, or the Ordinatio imperii of 817; the oaths of peace and brotherhood which were taken on various occasions by the sons of Louis the Pious, etc.
- The blazons of the Prussians in the year of the Lord 1410 in the holiday of the Divisio Apostolorum (Dispersal of the Apostles), which were erected against the king of Poland, Wladislaw Jagiello, and were cast down by the same king and brought to Cracow and hung in the church cathedral, were depicted in this manner, as follows.
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