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Esimerkkejä ECA käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • In 2020, it was rated as the most liveable city for European expatriates in Norway as well as 5th in Europe by ECA International.
  • EIA designated ECA to continue to develop standards for interconnect, passive and electro-mechanical (IP&E) electronic components under the ANSI-designation of EIA standards.
  • The European Court of Auditors (ECA; French: Cour des comptes européenne) is the supreme audit institution of the European Union (EU).
  • In 1980, The Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study, an unprecedented research effort that entailed interviews with a nationally representative sample of 20,000 Americans was launched.
  • All the specific rights and obligations which EU law creates are by the ECA incorporated into our domestic law and rank supreme: that is, anything in our substantive law inconsistent with any of these rights and obligations is abrogated or must be modified to avoid the inconsistency.
  • While the college remains mainly concentrated on the Lauriston Place Campus, as a result of the merger with the University of Edinburgh in August 2011, the new enlarged ECA incorporated Minto House on Chambers Street (part of ESALA) and Alison House in Nicolson Square (Reid School of Music).
  • It is divided into two main groups: evolutionary cognitive archaeology (ECA), which seeks to understand human cognitive evolution from the material record, and ideational cognitive archaeology (ICA), which focuses on the symbolic structures discernable in or inferable from past material culture.
  • The EPPO is based in Kirchberg, Luxembourg City alongside the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Auditors (ECA).
  • The third in the D series of Optus satellites was successfully launched into a geostationary transfer orbit on 21 August 2009 at 22:09 UTC by Arianespace using an Ariane 5 ECA launch vehicle from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.
  • He has worked in international development in the United States, the Netherlands, Mozambique, Ghana, South Africa and other countries, as well as for the United Nations system: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), African Economic Community (ECA) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), among others.
  • Notably, utilizing training programs under the auspices of the United Nations (United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)), as well as benefiting from a Leadership Grant organized by the African-American Institute that related to developmental fields, including visits to various regional state and federal governmental bodies throughout the United States.
  • According to him, in an interview with Expresso newspaper, it would have been a requirement of the ECA (Armed Civilian Structure), known as Forças Populares 25 de Abril.
  • Prior to Crest, ECA, and IEMA, Halpin was the founder and president of Cyberactive Media Group, a business-to-business publishing company.
  • Bissell worked with the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) in diverting counterpart funds of the ECA to OPC operations in Europe.
  • In 2020, the Latvian Naval Forces signed contract with ECA Group for the modernization of three of its Alkmaar-class minehunters, replacing the conventional detection system based on a hull sonar for mines with a smaller unmanned system consisting of the underwater drones AUV A18-M for detection and underwater robots Seascan MK2 and K-STER C for identification and clearance of the mines.
  • ECA was a coalition partner with Reddit, Google, EFF, Public Knowledge, Major League Gaming, Demand Progress and others in opposing the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and its counterpart, the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA).
  • Electrolysed water (also electrolyzed water, EOW, ECA, electrolyzed oxidizing water, electro-activated water, super-oxidized solution or electro-chemically activated water solution) is produced by the electrolysis of ordinary tap water containing dissolved sodium chloride.
  • He was then Head of Programme in Conakry, Guinea, from 1984 to 1986; Deputy Resident Representative to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in Addis Ababa (1986-1988) and in Kinshasa, Zaire; and Resident Representative in Brazzaville (1988-1991).
  • Event condition action (ECA) is a short-cut for referring to the structure of active rules in event-driven architecture and active database systems.
  • Kreps has also received the NCA Dale Brashers Mentorship Award, the Gary Gumpert Urban Communication Research Award, the Endeavour Executive Fellowship from the Australian Department of Education, the FIRST Scholar Award from the University of Colorado, the Distinguished Communicator Award from the Virginia Academy of Communication Arts & Sciences, the NCA Distinguished Administrator Award, the ECA Health Communication Centennial Scholar Award, the Pfizer Professorship in Clear Health Communication, the Lewis Donahue Outstanding Health Communication Scholar Award from the University of Kentucky, the Future of Health Technology Award, the  Distinguished Achievement Award in Consumer Health Informatics and Online Health, the NCA/ICA Outstanding Health Communication Scholar Award, and the NCA Gerald M.

Etsi ECA:

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