Tietoja | englanti sana FAMADIHANA
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Esimerkkejä FAMADIHANA käyttämisestä lauseessa
- One of the most significant Betsileo ceremonies that still takes place is the famadihana, or “turning of the bones,” during which the remains of Bestileo ancestors are taken out of their tombs and wrapped in new linens and celebrated.
- Their name means "those of many small plaits" in reference to their traditional hairstyle, and like the Merina they practice the famadihana reburial ceremony.
- The music accompanying the famadihana reburial ceremonies of the central highlands, for instance, is typically performed by an ensemble of sodina players accompanied by the amponga drum.
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
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