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Esimerkkejä FUCK käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • "Let's Go Brandon", a political slogan used since 2021, a euphemistic expression to replace "Fuck Joe Biden".
  • The group takes its name from the French slang "NTM", an initialism for "Nique Ta Mère" ("Fuck Your Mother"; the vulgar slang word "niquer" is derived from North African Sabir "i nik" ("he makes love"), which in turn comes from the Arabic "nak" (same meaning)).
  • Despite a population of only 106 in 2020, the village has drawn attention in the English-speaking world for its former name, which was spelled the same as an inflected form of the vulgar English-language word "fuck".
  • We did think, 'Well, if they can do it, why the fuck can't we?' Basically, our idea was to have extremely loud guitars with much weaker vocals.
  • "Rollerball", a song by Scottish band Mogwai from the 1998 EP No Education = No Future (Fuck the Curfew).
  • The gesture communicates moderate to extreme contempt, and is roughly equivalent in meaning to "fuck you", "shove it up your ass/arse", "up yours", or "go fuck yourself".
  • The band's biography, Argh Fuck Kill: The Story of the Dayglo Abortions, by the author Chris Walter, was published in 2010 by Gofuckyerself Press.
  • Motherfuckers was like, 'You're a white boy, what the fuck are you rapping for? Why don't you go into rock & roll?' All that type of shit started pissing me off.
  • The track created controversy because of its homophobic content such as Sadat X's line "I can freak, fly, flow, fuck up a faggot/I don't understand their ways; I ain't down with gays".
  • This included an appearance on Liquid Eurovision, shown on the UK channel BBC Three immediately after the 2003 contest ended, where after saying the above he shouted "I hate this contest! Fuck this contest!", causing much laughter from the presenters.
  • Reportedly, Madonna grew so irate that she asked security guards to tell her that she had to stand up, to which Lucia shouted, "I'm going to call my lawyer!" Madonna allegedly responded with "Fuck you!" However, this report has not been validated by any parties besides Méndez herself.
  • Displeased over the decision of Florida Governor Bob Martinez who, on being asked to examine the album, decided it was obscene and recommended local law enforcement take action against it and over the subsequent action of Broward County, Florida, sheriff Nick Navarro, who arrested local record-store owners on obscenity charges for selling the group's albums and the subsequent arrest of members of the group on obscenity charges, the group included the song "Fuck Martinez", which also includes multiple repetitions of the phrase "fuck Navarro".
  • The words, in the order Carlin listed them, are: "shit", "piss", "fuck", "cunt", "cocksucker", "motherfucker", and "tits".
  • The broadcast included Carlin's recitation of the words "shit", "piss", "fuck", "cunt", "cocksucker", "motherfucker", and "tits".
  • " Vonnegut explained: "With the Vietnam War going on, and with its critics discounted and scorned by the government and the mass media, Krassner put on sale a red, white and blue poster that said FUCK COMMUNISM.
  • rightThe first Blacksmoke releases were MP3s hosted on the Blacksmoke website, the tracks including "Gimpo Gimpo" and a remix of same entitled "Fuck the Fucking Fuckers".
  • Released in 2007, one year after the band's 20th anniversary, was the X20 boxset including 3 CDs (one remix CD, one "best of" CD and the Fuck You Bitch EP) and Suicide Commando's very first live DVD.
  • Thirwell's second "Wish" remix, "Fist Fuck", features samples of Timothy Leary while the final track, "Screaming Slave", contains various samples of Bob Flanagan being tortured that were recorded during the filming of the "Happiness in Slavery" music video.
  • In Worcester, Massachusetts, McDonald was arrested for obscenity and fined $500 for uttering "fuck" in public.
  • During their homecoming Boston concert, on the post-Doolittle "Fuck or Fight" tour, Santiago smashed up his instrument and stormed offstage.

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