Synonyymit & Tietoja | englanti sana HUMILITY



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Esimerkkejä HUMILITY käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • Wisdom is associated with compromise, intellectual humility, acceptance of uncertainty, and a cosmopolitanism of what is Good.
  • The game has been described as "a bastion of humility", with player names absent from jerseys and a player's number decided by his position on the field.
  • She was expected to learn how to manage a large estate and landholding and perform the duties of her future spouse in his absence, as well as to have knowledge at least in the German language except Swedish, and to deport herself with humility but also dignity by reading religious literature.
  • The story has also been seen as an exemplar of agrarian virtues like humility, modesty, and hard work.
  • All of these tea ceremonies and rituals contain "an adoration of the beautiful among the sordid facts of everyday life", as well as refinement, an inner spiritual content, humility, restraint and simplicity "as all arts that partake the extraordinary, an artistic artificiality, abstractness, symbolism and formalism" to one degree or another.
  • This misconception arises from the confusion of humility with traits like submissiveness and meekness.
  • Among other contexts, ego reduction has been seen as a goal in Alcoholics Anonymous; as a part of BDSM play, providing a means of entering "subspace"; and as a way of attaining religious humility and freedom from desire in Buddhism.
  • Traits traditionally cited as feminine include gracefulness, gentleness, empathy, humility, and sensitivity, though traits associated with femininity vary across societies and individuals, and are influenced by a variety of social and cultural factors.
  • Knowing the limit of Southern Tang's military strength and trying hard to be subservient to the northern court, Li Yu immediately sent a high official Feng Yanlu with a letter — whose language was of extreme humility — to inform Song of his succession.
  • Most of the stories involve Black Jack doing some good deed, for which he rarely gets recognition—often curing the poor and destitute for free, or teaching the arrogant a lesson in humility.
  • Unlike his relatives who lived luxuriously and competed with each other on who could spend more, Wang Mang was praised for his humility, thriftiness, and his desire to study.
  • In this letter he praises Dioscorus' modesty and humility, stating: "you do not behold the multitude of your subjects nor the exaltation of your throne, but you see rather human nature, and life's rapid changes, and follow the divine laws whose observance gives us the kingdom of heaven".
  • As a spiritual leader, Neri was noted for his humility, humor, piety, and ability to inspire deep devotion among both clergy and laypeople.
  • Madonna of Humility with Angels (mid 1390s), tempera on panel, Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, Florida.
  • After Empress Lü's death, the officials eliminated the powerful Lü clan, and deliberately chose the Prince of Dai as the emperor, since his mother, Consort Bo, had no powerful relatives, and her family was known for its humility and thoughtfulness.
  • Unlike the 1996 bid committee that was seen arrogant when the city was bidding, the 2004 bid was lauded for its low scale, humility, honest and earnestness, its focused message, and a more real e a detailed bid concept.
  • This original group of Tall Cedars, called their degree the "Ancient and honorable right of humility".
  • These readers included traditional literacy lessons, as well as selections on the life and works of Abraham Lincoln, excerpts from the Bible focused on forgiveness, biographies of famous African Americans with emphasis on their piety, humbleness, and industry; and essays on humility, the work ethic, temperance, loving one's enemies, and avoiding bitterness.
  • Francis of Assisi considered the crested lark a bird of special significance, based on similarities he perceived between it and the life of the Friars Minor: its plain earth-coloured plumage and hood, its humility ("for it goes willingly along the wayside and finds a grain of corn for itself"), and its time spent in song.
  • Article 13 of the Belgic Confession, a Reformed confession of faith, first outlines the doctrine, then explains why it does not entail that God is the author of evil, finally exhorting its readers to humility for this doctrine, which is said to afford great consolation to Christians.

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