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Esimerkkejä KAI käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • Halifax folklorist Kai Roberts states that boggart ‘might have been used to refer to anything from a hilltop hobgoblin to a household faerie, from a headless apparition to a proto-typical poltergeist’.
  • In July 2019, Nevalainen, who had been inactive since 2014 due to severe insomnia, announced that he would not be returning to the band, with Kai Hahto, who had acted as his replacement since 2014, becoming the official drummer.
  • It includes the subdivisions of Hawaiian Ocean View Estates (HOVE), Hawaiian Ocean View Ranchos, Kahuku Country Gardens, Kula Kai View Estates, Kona Gardens, Keone's Ranchos, and Kona View Estates.
  • In the Hawaiian language Kailua means "two seas" or "two currents", a contraction of the words kai (meaning "sea" or "sea water") and elua (meaning "two"); it is so named because of the two former fishponds in the district (Kawainui and Kaelepulu) or the two currents that run through Kailua Bay.
  • Within the last two decades, Native Hawaiian based learning has been offered for students of the valley; at Nānākuli Elementary, kids can join a Hawaiian language immersion program (Kula Kai O Puni).
  • As of right now Gunner Bridgers,Aiden Johnson,and Kai Sobey are carrying the JV Football team with Gunner having an average of 11 touch downs per game and is being looked at by clemson Aiden throws about 20 touchdowns per game and Kai gets 15 touchdowns per game and is being looked at by LSU.
  • The official Japanese name of the organization is Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido Kai (心身統一合気道会), but it is also known in English-speaking countries as "Ki Society".
  • The Māori name for the peninsula is Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū (The Storehouse of Rākaihautū) in recognition of his deeds and the abundance of mahinga kai (foods of the forests, sea, rivers and skies).
  • Its first lineup consisted of singer and guitarist Kai Hansen, bassist Markus Grosskopf, guitarist Michael Weikath and drummer Ingo Schwichtenberg.
  • Kai Nielsen (May 15, 1926 – April 7, 2021) was an American professor, latterly emeritus, of philosophy at the University of Calgary.
  • Other names include simply the word for river, in Khoekhoegowab orthography written as !Garib, which is rendered in Afrikaans as Gariep River with the intrusion of a velar fricative in place of the alveolar click, Groote River (derived from Kai !Garib) or Senqu River (used in Lesotho), derived from ǂNū "Black".
  • Kōfu is the capital and largest city of Yamanashi Prefecture, with other major cities including Kai, Minamiarupusu, and Fuefuki.
  • During his tenure at Stockholm University, Cramér was a PhD advisor for 10 students, most notably Herman Wold and Kai Lai Chung.
  • Prior to 1998, a strict building height restriction was imposed in Kowloon City and over much of Kowloon to minimise the hazards of air traffic commuting through the Kai Tak Airport.
  • Kai graduated in 1940 from Stuyvesant High School in New York City and that same year began his career as a professional trombonist with Shorty Allen's band.
  • The airport is also referred to as Chek Lap Kok International Airport or Chek Lap Kok Airport, to distinguish it from its predecessor, the former Kai Tak Airport.
  • Cobra Kai, a fictional Karate dojo in The Karate Kid movies and Cobra Kai streaming television series.
  • In 1973 La Vieille Taupe published La gauche allemande: Textes du KAPD, de L'AAUD, de L'AAUE et de la KAI (1920-1922) with La Vecchia Talpa (Naples) and Invariance.
  • The story of Kai Tak started in 1912 when two businessmen, Ho Kai and Au Tak, formed the Kai Tak Investment Company to reclaim land in Kowloon for development.
  • Kwun Tong is an area in the Kwun Tong District of Hong Kong, situated at the eastern part of the Kowloon Peninsula, and its boundary stretches from Lion Rock in the north to Lei Yue Mun in the south, and from the winding paths of Kowloon Peak in the east to the north coast of the former Kai Tak Airport runway in the west.

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