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Esimerkkejä MUROIDS käyttämisestä lauseessa
- They can be distinguished from both the family Spalacidae and the Eumuroida (all non-spalacid and non-platacanthomyid muroids), by the distinct shape of their infraorbital canal and by the presence of multiple openings in the palate of the skull.
- Additionally, there were problems with this particular study, notably the use of Calomyscus as an outgroup while more distantly related muroids (rhyzomyines) were included in the ingroup.
- Muroids are most closely related to the Dipodidae, a smaller group of rodents that includes the jerboas, birch mice, and jumping mice.
- In this zone, the common muroid rodent Democricetodon immigrates into Europe from Asia, followed shortly after by three other muroids: Megacricetodon, Eumyarion, and Anomalomys.
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