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Esimerkkejä ONRUSH käyttämisestä lauseessa
- A claustrophobic electro-blues shackled to a two-note guitar figure, "I Feel You" trumpets the onrush of a terrifying mystical experience.
- At best according to many historians, the Jeffersonians were reactionary utopians who resisted the onrush of capitalist modernity in hopes of turning America into a yeoman farmers' arcadia.
- Saved from the onrush of the stampeding cattle, Alice, on her way to the Harwell ranch to make the payment that will save the ranch at Ghost City for her father, thanks her rescuer Larry Lawton, a young rancher, and explains to him her need for haste.
- The Guardian was the first to review saying "the sudden onrush of biological imperative gives this footage a gripping undeniability and focus that this loosely collaged account of a foundering Brooklyn relationship has been searching for".
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