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Esimerkkejä PRUDENTE käyttämisestä lauseessa
- In 1894, Peixoto was succeeded by Prudente de Morais, the first president of Brazil to be elected by direct popular ballot.
- He was the son of the politician, tribune and writer Maurício de Lacerda (1888–1959) and Olga Caminhoá Werneck (1892–1979), being the paternal grandson of Sebastião Lacerda, Minister of the Supreme Federal Court and Minister of Transport in the government of Prudente de Morais.
- Prudente José de Morais Barros (4 October 1841 – 3 December 1902), often referred to as Prudente de Morais, was a Brazilian lawyer and politician who served as the 3rd president of Brazil from 1894 to 1898.
- Sete Lagoas is also a statistical micro-region with 20 municipalities: Araçaí, Baldim, Cachoeira da Prata, Caetanópolis, Capim Branco, Cordisburgo, Fortuna de Minas, Funilândia, Inhaúma, Jaboticatubas, Jequitibá, Maravilhas, Matozinhos, Papagaios, Paraopeba, Pequi, Prudente de Morais, Santana de Pirapama, Santana do Riacho, and Sete Lagoas.
- However, as a die-hard supporter of Peixoto, he was subsequently fired from his post by president Prudente de Morais, towards whom he was charged with disrespect in a speech he made at the burial of Floriano Peixoto, who had died suddenly shortly after the end of his presidential term.
- The highway starts in the city of São Paulo and continues westward, serving the main cities of Cotia, Vargem Grande Paulista, São Roque, Sorocaba, Itapetininga, Angatuba, Ourinhos, Assis, Presidente Prudente, Presidente Bernardes, Presidente Venceslau and Presidente Epitácio, at the shores of the Paraná River, by the border with Mato Grosso do Sul.
- In addition to the documents of the information and counter-information body of the military regime, personal archives and private entities are important, including Eusébio de Queirós, the Duke of Caxias, Bertha Lutz, Luis Carlos Prestes, Salgado Filho, San Tiago Dantas, Goes Monteiro, Apolônio de Carvalho, Mário Lago, Zelia Pedreira Abreu Magalhães, Maria Beatriz Nascimento, the presidents of Republic Floriano Peixoto, Prudente de Morais, Afonso Pena, João Goulart, the Brazilian Academy of Letters, the Brazilian Federation for Female Progress, the Institute of Pesquisa e Estudos Sociais (IPES) and the Association of Brazilian Archivists.
- With Gumercindo Saraiva and Saldanha da Gama dead, Custódio de Melo exiled and Silveira Martins organizing a new federalist congress in Porto Alegre, Joca Tavares, the last military leader of the federalists, and Inocêncio Galvão, on behalf of president Prudente de Morais, signed a peace treaty in Pelotas on 23 August 1895 by which the republican government promised not to punish the federalists.
- Concordes success against privateers continued with the capture of the 18-gun Prudente on 14 February 1799, the 6-gun San Josef off Oporto in December 1800, and the 1-gun San Miguel el Volante on 1 December 1800.
- Mario Lavezzi, Oscar Prudente, Tony Cicco, Babelle Douglas, Barbara Michelin e Sara: choir, violins, violas, violoncellos e ocarina.
- Command of Prudente was given to Captain Emanuel-Hippolite Le Jolliff, who sailed to the region to the east of the British held Cape Colony to prey on transoceanic merchant shipping sailing to and from Cape Town.
- The square is bordered to the north by Rua Visconde de Pirajá, the main commercial street in Ipanema; Rua Jangadeiros to the east; Rua Prudente de Morais to the south, which extends west from the square; and the small Rua Teixeira de Melo to the west.
- No matter how many groups already existed in the neighborhoods of Vila Ema, Vila Zelina, Vila Prudente and Santo Amaro, the church of the center became the religious symbol of that town, that already divided spaces like Deutsche Schule, and the Sport Club Germánia (current Esporte Clube Pinheiros), since the mid-nineteenth century.
- It is part of the expansion project of Line 2 between Vila Prudente and Dutra (Guarulhos), estimated to be opened in mid-2026.
- It is part of the expansion project of Line 2 between Vila Prudente and Dutra (Guarulhos), estimated to be opened in mid-2026.
- The faculty of law was agitated, while the main republican figures of São Paulo, such as Prudente de Morais, Manuel Ferraz de Campos Sales, Bernardino de Campos and Francisco Glicério de Cerqueira Leite, among others, were concerned about the authoritarianism of marshal Deodoro da Fonseca.
- Though some stigmatize him as “chiefly a religious poet”, some note his “línea prudente y antimoderna con el gusto literario petrificado en la residualidad epigonal del 98” and others place him within a wave of young Cantabria-related poets like María Teresa de Huidobro, Alejandro Nieto and Bernardo Casanueva Mazo.
- Viriato Hipolito de Mendonça e Fernandes was born on 4 February 1969 in Mapusa, Goa to Prudente Fernandes and Viviana de Mendonça Fernandes.
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