Synonyymit & Tietoja | englanti sana RADIOGRAPH



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Esimerkkejä RADIOGRAPH käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • The building is designed as a morgue with cooler and freezer units, modern morgue equipment and tools and digital radiograph and microscope capabilities.
  • Rarely, a bifid inferior alveolar nerve may be present, in which case a second mandibular foramen, more inferiorly placed, exists and can be detected by noting a doubled mandibular canal on a radiograph.
  • Rarely, a bifid inferior alveolar nerve may be present, in which case a second mandibular foramen, more inferiorly placed, exists and can be detected by noting a doubled mandibular canal on a radiograph.
  • Chest photofluorography, or abreugraphy (better known as mass miniature radiography in the UK and miniature chest radiograph in the US), is a photofluorography technique for mass screening for tuberculosis using a miniature (50 to 100 mm) photograph of the screen of an X-ray fluoroscopy of the thorax, first developed in 1936.
  • A cementoblastoma in a radiograph appears as a well-defined, markedly radiopaque mass, with a radiolucent peripheral line, which overlies and obliterates the tooth root.
  • The football sign is when the abdomen appears as a large oval radiolucency reminiscent of an American football on a supine projectional radiograph.
  • If there is doubt that the needle is in the subdural space, AP and lateral views of the radiograph should be taken and the subject is to be rebook for another date for the same procedure.
  • Skeletal abnormalities: bifid ribs, kyphoscoliosis, early calcification of falx cerebri (diagnosed with AP radiograph).
  • A baseline radiograph (scout film) of the required salivary gland would be taken, the duct is dilated using graded lacrimal probes, a cannula then is inserted in this salivary gland duct's opening in the mouth, then a radio-opaque fluid (contrast medium) is injected in the duct through a small tube.
  • A Southwick angle is a radiographic angle used to measure the severity of a slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) on a radiograph.
  • In radiology, the air crescent sign is a finding on chest radiograph and computed tomography that is crescenteric and radiolucent, due to a lung cavity that is filled with air and has a round radiopaque mass.
  • On a periapical radiograph, the invagination lesion will appear as a radiolucent pocket which could extend into the root or be confined to the crown.
  • On Water's view radiograph, polypoid mass can be observed hanging from the floor into the maxillary antrum, classically known as teardrop sign, as it usually is in shape of a teardrop.
  • On an anterior oblique radiograph of the lumbar spine, the pars is the neck of the imaginary Scottie dog; the Scottie dog's eye is the pedicle, its hindlegs the spinous process, its nose the transverse process, its ear the superior articular facet and its forelegs the inferior articular facet.
  • The basion to axion interval, or BAI, is also used, which is determined by measuring the distance between an imaginary vertical line at the anterior skull base, or basion, at the foramen magnum, and the axis of the cervical spine along its posterior margin, which should measure 12 mm, an assessment more reliable on radiograph than CT.
  • In radiology, the steeple sign is a radiologic sign found on a frontal neck radiograph where subglottic tracheal narrowing produces the shape of a church steeple within the trachea itself.
  • In radiology, the thumbprint sign, or thumbprinting, is a radiologic sign found on a radiograph that suggests the diagnosis of either epiglottitis or intestinal ischemia.
  • Next, obturation verification radiograph is indicated after the canal space is fully filled with master cone, sealer and accessory cones.
  • In radiology, Garland's triad (also known as the 1-2-3 sign) is the concurrence of reasonably symmetrical bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and right paratracheal lymphadenopathy seen on a chest radiograph.
  • This involved taking an ante-mortem photograph of the possible victim with a radiograph (x-ray) of the post-mortem skull of the possible victim and superimposing the photo on the skull and matching similarities, similar to the forensic method employed with fingerprints.


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