Anagrammeja & Tietoja | englanti sana RAYES
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Esimerkkejä RAYES käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Bellavance was elected as mayor of Victoriaville on February 21, 2016, following the election of previous mayor Alain Rayes to the House of Commons.
- While Saud Al Rayes held the position of editor in chief, Jameel Theyabi was the assistant editor in chief of the Saudi Edition, Additionally, Hassan Haidar served as managing editors in Britain, Zouheir Qoseibati in Lebanon, Raja Rassi as director general and Gilbert Mayni as finance controller.
- Other sites in Cortaillod include postholes, burials, hearths and pottery at Tolay, in Champ Barrett, Rochettes in Chanélaz and at Tilles as well as a number of tombs from the La Tène period at Courbes Rayes.
- The Committee is currently chaired by Scott Simms, with Vice-Chairs Alain Rayes and Martin Champoux.
- Those who took part in the trend include Croatian members of the European Parliament Valter Flego, Biljana Borzan and Predrag Matić; Jasenka Auguštan-Pentek, the mayor of Zlatar, and Nathalie Rayes, the U.
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