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Esimerkkejä RUINE käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Castles: Burg Hervetsweiler, Burg Kürnbach, Ruine Otterswang, Burg Reichenbach, Burg Rudersberg, Burg Schussenried.
- He worked for a time in the studio of Giovanni Paolo Panini, whose influence can be seen in the Vue imaginaire de la galerie du Louvre en ruine (illustration).
- During this period were published the novels La ruine presque cocasse d'un polichinelle (1979), Les deux mères de Guillaume Ismaël Dzewatama futur camionneur (1983), La revanche de Guillaume Ismaël Dzewatama (1984), also Lettre ouverte aux Camerounais ou la deuxième mort de Ruben Um Nyobé (1984) and Dictionnaire de la négritude (1989, with Odile Tobner).
- Notable power noise artists who emerged in the 21st century include Iszoloscope, Antigen Shift, Prospero, Drillbit, Tarmvred, Converter, Terrorfakt, Alter Der Ruine, Panzer Division, C/A/T, Dreamcrusher, Death Spells, and Xotox.
- The antiquarian John Leland described the castle in 1540 as being "nowe sore yn ruine, and for the most part defaced", although the jail continued in use throughout the period, albeit still suffering from many escapee inmates.
- In 1540, the antiquarian John Leland noted "there is a ruine and waulles of a castell in Lancaster-shire cawlyd Gleston Castell sometyme longinge to Lord Harrington now to the Marquis of Dorset", and other antiquarians provided descriptions of the site.
- so great was your foresight of what we have since by wofull experience seen and felt, and specially in the Church, (through the Presbyterian contagion, which then began violently to breake out) that you often and earnestly incited me to a speedy view of what Monuments I could, especially in the principall Churches of this Realme; to the end, that by Inke and paper, the Shadows of them, with their Inscriptions might be preserved for posteritie, forasmuch as the things themselves were so neer unto ruine.
- Hohenalfingen Castle, Aalen-Hohenalfingen, Ruine (surviving: remains of the bergfried, remains of the mantlet wall).
- The mystery of the vialls opened: being a short exposition upon the pouring out of the four last vialls, mentioned in the 16 chapter of the Revelation: wherein divers things relating to times present, past, and to come, are discovered: as the ruine of Antichrist, and the severall degrees thereunto; and the shadowing out these times wherein we live, are generally surveyed (John Sweeting, London 1651).
- In 1644, Winthrop's account of the events from 1636 to 1638 was published in London under the title A Short Story of the Rise, reign, and ruine of the Antinomians, Familists & Libertines, which is often simply called the Short Story.
- Jacques Naveau, La ruine envisagée comme relique: le cas du temple de Jublains (Ruin Seen As Relic: The Case of the Temple of Jublains), collection Actes des colloques de la Direction du patrimoine, published by Ministère de la culture, Paris, 1991, pp.
Sivun valmistelu kesti: 295,27 ms.