Anagrammeja & Tietoja | englanti sana SEMICOLONS
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Esimerkkejä SEMICOLONS käyttämisestä lauseessa
- There is one chapter each on apostrophes; commas; semicolons and colons; exclamation marks, question marks and quotation marks; italic type, dashes, brackets, ellipses and emoticons; and hyphens.
- However, preambular clauses are unnumbered, end with commas, and sometimes do begin with adjectives; operative clauses are numbered, end with semicolons (except for the final one, which ends with a full stop/period), and never begin with adjectives.
- The differences between Gelato Shading Language and RSL are mainly syntactical — Gelato uses semicolons instead of commas to separate arguments in function definitions and a few shadeops have different names and parameters.
- Topics considered include the subversive nature of toys, the desolation of the family, the ungenuineness of being genuine, the decay of conversation, the rise of occultism, the use and abuse of semicolons, and the history of tact.
- 1x installations had a Y2K issue due to lexicographic correlation between date representation and the ASCII character set; colons and semicolons replaced what should have been '2000'.
- According to reviewer Ron Slate, According to American critic Ron Slate, "Drawing from his Algerian experiences, the text comprises one continuous sentence (scored with backslashes, brackets, semicolons and commas), an intoned catalog of military atrocities, communal humiliations, unsated lust, and miscellanea running 192 pages".
- Bengali punctuation marks, apart from the downstroke দাড়ি dari (।), the Bengali equivalent of a full stop, have been adopted from western scripts and their usage is similar: Commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, etc.
- French spacing inserted spaces around most punctuation marks, but single-spaced after sentences, colons, and semicolons.
- In some styles that omit optional semicolons, the semicolon is placed in front of the parenthesis, and is known as a defensive semicolon.
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