Anagrammeja & Tietoja | englanti sana TUH
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On Palindromi
Esimerkkejä TUH käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Other syllables for double tonguing are "tuh" and "kuh," "tih" and "kuh," and any other combination of syllables that use the tip of the tongue behind the front teeth and then the back of the tongue against the back of the mouth.
- He was particularly known for his booming call of "ball tuh" and his drawn-out strike calls, as well as his snappy calls of foul balls.
- He then moved to the larger nearby town of Highlands and founded a publishing company, Merry Mountaineers, writing, illustrating and publishing a series of humorous books and pamphlets about Southern language such as Dictionary For Yankees and Other Uneducated People, Cookin' Yankees Ain't Et, and How Tuh Live in the Kooky South Without Eatin' Grits: A Fun Guide Book Fer Yankees.
Etsi TUH:
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
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