Synonyymit & Tietoja | englanti sana UNIMAGINATIVE



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Esimerkkejä UNIMAGINATIVE käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • Edward Craddock may be tall, strong, handsome, and practically free from sin ("He simply reeks of the Ten Commandments"), but at the same time he is hardly educated, unimaginative, and unnecessarily headstrong.
  • He compared the music's effect to methedrine, which "gives a high with no meaning", finding Rolie and Santana's playing repetitively unimaginative, amidst a monotony of incompetent rhythms and inconsequential lyrics.
  • Instead, they often replace ineffective attackers or unimaginative midfielders in order to freshen up the attacking posture and increase their chances of scoring.
  • Michael Blanchet of Electronic Fun with Computers & Games said that while "unimaginative maze games abound", Crystal Castles benefitted from a "fresh and novel approach" Roger C.
  • " CORDS chief Robert Komer agreed and in 1968 described Thanh as unaggressive, unimaginative, and "rather a xenophobe.
  • The new party rejected the more established groups such as the Communist Party as too authoritarian, conservative, and unimaginative, but at the same time, rejected many of the newer communist groups in New Zealand as disorganised and unfocused.
  • Teal's relationship with Templar was broadly similar to that depicted in the novels, but in the series, he is often depicted as bungling, rather than merely Charteris's characterisation of him as an officious, unimaginative policeman.
  • Impute to a normally skilled but unimaginative addressee what was common general knowledge in the art at the priority date;.
  • Memorials to lost servicemen from the previous major conflict, the South African War fought between 1899 and 1902, had been widely criticised as being unimaginative and members of the RAWCF were unimpressed by the Royal Artillery's memorial to that war, located on the Mall.
  • '" Sun Sentinel magazine editor Deborah Wiler wrote that "the unimaginative first single, Emotions, sounds suspiciously like the `77 hit Best of My Love (by the Emotions).
  • Numerous compounds are formed in the 18th to 19th centuries, some of them loan translations of French expressions, such as Geistesgegenwart = présence d'esprit ("mental presence, acuity"), Geistesabwesenheit = absence d’esprit ("mental absence, distraction"), geisteskrank "mentally ill", geistreich "witty, intellectually brilliant", geistlos "unintelligent, unimaginative, vacuous" etc.
  • It's even got a lyric that namechecks "big butch queens", "transvestites" and, that old favourite of the unimaginative, "vicars".
  • There is also a class contrast between Blair and Hogbin; whilst the agencies involved are never specifically stated, their respective characters conform exactly to the period's stereotypes of MI6 and MI5 officers, as Blair is very much the upper-class and somewhat louche eccentric and Hogbin the conscientious if unimaginative middle-class moralist.
  • Glücks has been termed "unimaginative, lacking in energy if not lazy," and even "unperceptive," which may account to some extent for his hands-off approach.
  • In general, cronopios are depicted as naive and idealistic, disorganized, unconventional and sensitive creatures, who stand in contrast or opposition to famas (who are rigid, organized and judgmental if well-intentioned) and esperanzas (who are plain, indolent, unimaginative and dull).
  • It did however confirm Hardinge in the belief that Gough was too bull-headed and unimaginative to command the army.
  • " After citing the New York setting around the Christmas holiday, and the importance of a large department store, the review said these would likely bring to mind Miracle on 34th Street (1947), with the film "wending an amiable but unimaginative way toward a foregone climax.
  • to think that I Am the Resurrection's alternately self-involved (Stevens) or irreverently unimaginative (Peter Case) interpretations gave newcomers invalid impressions of Fahey's catalogue is, really, a bit frightening.
  • Although an unimaginative designer, at Balloch Lugar helped to introduce the asymmetrical, "picturesque" form of castellated house into Scotland.
  • Aoz Roon, a callous and unimaginative man, opposes this, only begrudgingly accepting it as Shay Tal unintentionally gains a reputation as a powerful sorceress.


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