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Esimerkkejä WYND käyttämisestä lauseessa

  • Robert Fergusson was born in a tenement between Cap and Feather Close and Halkerstons Wynd, both small vennels north of Edinburgh's Royal Mile, demolished in 1763 to make way for what is today the hidden southern arches of the North Bridge.
  • Alexander O'Neal was born November 15, 1953, in Natchez, Mississippi, United States, At the age of 20, he relocated to Minneapolis, where he performed with several bands including the Mystics and Wynd Chymes.
  • A large archive of his letters, scrapbooks, personal ephemera and artworks is held in The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History in Hackney, London.
  • In the East Neuk fishing village of Pittenweem in Fife, all walking connections between the shore and the raised beach—apart from the road down to the harbour—are wynds, namely: West Wynd, Calman's Wynd, Bruce's Wynd, School Wynd, Water Wynd and Cove Wynd.
  • The Hamiltons commended the assault, led by Arran's half brother Patrick Hamilton of Kincavil who attempted to rush up Blackfriars Wynd at the Douglases to 80 of their number being killed and the "wounded began to cumber the causeway in every direction".
  • Atkins played most of his football as a centreman, complementing a strong midfield that also comprised the Brownlow Medallists Scott Wynd and Tony Liberatore.
  • The institutional language of the burghs consisted of vocabulary that was Germanic in origin, such English terms as toft (homestead and land), croft (smallholding), ruid (land let by a burgh), guild (a trade association), bow (an arched gateway), wynd (lane) and raw (row of houses).
  • During this period he built or converted a large mansion in Edinburgh between Hyndfords Close and St Marys Wynd: an area noe called Tweedale Court, which had long gardens running down to the Cowgate.
  • Although Boddam is just the name for the few houses at the head of the voe, including the slaughterhouse, the nearby estates of Hillock, Dalsetter Wynd, and Turniebrae are also usually referred to as being in Boddam.
  • The last event was a supper in Cardinal Beaton's palace at the corner of the Cowgate and Blackfriar's Wynd, and afterwards the young men of the town came in procession, in "convoy" to greet her, some in masque costume in "merschance", a Scottish form of Mummery.
  • Above the bartizans is a conical spire while at street level there is a round-arched pend that leads into Tolbooth Wynd.
  • Chepman having found the necessary capital, and Myllar having obtained the type from France, probably from Rouen, they set up their press in a house at the foot of Blackfriars Wynd, in the Southgait, now the Cowgate, of Edinburgh, and on 4 April 1508 issued the first book known to have been printed in Scotland, The Maying or Disport of Chaucer, better known as The Complaint of the Black Knight, and written not by Chaucer but by Lydgate.
  • He owned a seven-storey tenement in Edinburgh's Royal Mile at the head of Blackfriars Wynd where he lived with his family and, at the southern end of this wynd where it joined the Southgait (later renamed Cowgate), he and Androw Myllar established their printworks in 1507.
  • The last event of the wedding celebrations for Agnes Keith and the Earl of Mar in February 1562 was a supper in Cardinal Beaton's palace at the corner of the Cowgate and Blackfriar's Wynd, and afterwards the young men of the town came in procession, in "convoy" to greet her, some in masque costume in "merschance" or "mumchance", a Scottish form of mummery.
  • Arnot personally contributed napery and £100 to a banquet given by the burgh to the Danish ambassador, which was held in the lodging of Thomas Acheson, master of the mint, at the foot of Todrig's Wynd on 24 May.
  • The Gows of Clan Chattan are said to be descendants of Henry of the Wynd, the bandy-legged smith of Perth, who fought at the celebrated battle of the North Inch of Perth.
  • Finally, on 17 October 1720, Muschat had been drinking with James until 7 pm and returned to his house on St Mary's Wynd where Grizel sat with Margaret.
  • The Kirk Wynd frontage was fenestrated with bi-partite mullioned windows on the ground floor and tri-partite mullioned windows on the first floor, and there were bartizans at the corners.

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