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Esimerkkejä YERE käyttämisestä lauseessa
- The isle is about a mile in cumpace, and hath very good corne, grasse, and sum wood; the ferme of it worth aio a yere.
It is agreed that every knyght within the yere of his stallation shall cause to be made a scauchon of his armes and hachementis in a plate of metall suche as shall please him and that it shall be surely sett upon the back of his stall.
- The first published English version as "A Rule to Know How Many Dayes Euery Moneth in the Yere Hath":.
- Erith Manor Court Rolls (1572) "An abstract of the Rentall there renewed the xviith daye of October in the xiiiith yere of the raign of our Soveraigne ladie Queene Elizabeth", single membrane held at Bexley Local Studies Library, Bexleyheath Kent.
- Fullwell, Ulpian, The Flower of Fame, with a discourse of the worthie service that was done at Haddington in Scotlande the second yere of the raigne of King Edward the Sixe, William Hoskins, London (1575), 49r-59r.
- The Treasurer's accounts detail Andrew Mansioun's work engraving the royal cannon in March 1542 in these words;
Gevin to Andres Mensioun for graving of the Kingis grace armes with unicornis, thrissillis, and flour de lyces upoune the samin piece, and graving of the dait of yere upoune the mouth thairof, and upoun.
- After working their way up into an attacking position close to the Kangaroos' try-line, Ron Griffin put in the perfect grubber kick behind the defence for Menzie Yere to run through and dive on.
- A Geyfte ffor the Newe Yere, or a playne, plesaunte, and profytable Pathewaie to the Black Letter Paradyse.
- " The record states that Matthias was chosen in 1660, as a townsman "to act and agitate all such affairs and occasions as the orders of the court authoriseth and that for the Yere ensuinge.
- Praye for the soule of Master Robert Cary Esquier sonne & heyer of Sur Will'm Cary, Knyght, whiche Robert decessyd the XVth day of June i(n) the yere of o(u)r Lord God MVCXL o(n) whos sowle J(es)hu have m(er)cy.
- Bube; Taben Budo Takun Budo; Tu Ganvuda; Tunger-Jaraa; Tungun; Tutu Sumonu; Uma Ru Sudu; W oru Gobin; Wa-Kekubu; Waba; Woru; Woru Doro; Woru Gura; Woru Yeriman; Woru Yoyo; Wuri Woru; Wuro; Wuru; Yahayan Budo; Yaken Budo; Yakinbun; Yanban Kparu; Yangbasum; Yangbasun; Yanpokorun; Yaro; Yendana sabi; Yere; Zugariji.
- Here lieth buried the Body of master Nicholas Sutherton, latte Mayer and Alderman of this Worschipfull Cite, whiche the nerte yere after that he was Mayer, discessid out of this transeitorie Lyfe, that was the yere of our Lord 1540, the x Day of Nov.
- The English diplomat Thomas Randolph, who was a friend of her son James, mentioned her illness in April 1562 after James had become unwell, and heard he "takes it of his mother whoe indeade with bothe her systers (of which the Erle of Morton hathe married one, and th'other was wyf unto the Lord Maxwell) are certeyne tymes or the most parte of the yere distempered with an unquiet humour".
- ‘Thre notable sermones made by the godly and famous Clerke, Maister John Calvyn, on thre severall Sondayes in Maye, the yere 1561, upon the Psalm 46.
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