933 Finnish Words With IES
Definition: 1. male partner
There are 2 definitions of the word miespari
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Definition: 1. the yard surrounded by buildings in a farm house, used by people as opposed to animals
Show more information about miespiha
Definition: 1. poor man ("poor" in the sense of expressing pity)
Show more information about miesraukka
Definition: 1. male gender
There are 2 definitions of the word miessuku
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Definition: 1. loss of men, loss of life, casualties
Show more information about miestappio
Definition: 1. an arrangement (at a dance event) where men ask women to be their dance partner; gentlemen's choice, gentlemen's excuse-me
Show more information about miestenhaku
Definition: 1. inflection of miestennielijä
Show more information about miestennielijän
Definition: 1. a disease or disorder exclusive to men
Show more information about miestentauti
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