62 Finnish Words With SIIS
Definition: 1. (dated) Synonym of euroopansuslikki
There are 2 definitions of the word siiseli
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Definition: 1. A strip cut out of birchbark, often 2 to 3 cm wide, used for handicraft.
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Definition: 1. deinking (process of removing ink from fibers, usually as part of paper recycling process)
Show more information about siistaus
Definition: 1. clean, neat
There are 3 definitions of the word siisti
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Definition: 1. (intransitive) to clean up oneself, tidy up
Show more information about siistiytyä
Definition: 1. to clean, clean up
There are 3 definitions of the word siistiä
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Definition: 1. house-trained, housebroken (of a pet, trained not to excrete indoors, except sometimes in a dedicated place)
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