Anagrammes & Informations sur | Mot Anglaise BIERS
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Est palindrome
Exemples d’utilisation de BIERS dans une phrase
- Ancient Egyptians depicted biers used in their embalming practices and to bear royal coffins in the tomb.
- A "tabuik" also refers to the towering funeral biers carried around during the remembrance procession, and is similar in form to several of the indigenous cultures' totems found in the old world Western cultures.
Rechercher BIERS dans:
(Français) Wiktionary
(Français) Wikipedia
(Anglaise) Wiktionary
(Anglaise) Google Answers
(Anglaise) Britannica
(Français) Wiktionary
(Français) Wikipedia
(Anglaise) Wiktionary
(Anglaise) Google Answers
(Anglaise) Britannica
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