Anagrammes & Informations sur | Mot Anglaise DESS
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Exemples d’utilisation de DESS dans une phrase
- DESs share similar properties to ionic liquids such as tunability and lack of flammability yet are distinct in that ionic liquids are neat salts composed exclusively of discrete ions.
- After spending the off-season rehabilitating from his injury, Morrall was dealt by the Lions to the New York Giants for Mike Lucci who had been acquired from the Cleveland Browns, Darrell Dess and a draft pick as part of a three-team transaction on August 30, 1965.
- She also explains that her house is in a contortion in the secret hour which hides her, and that Dess must keep the knowledge of it hidden from the others so that the darklings do not find it.
- Familjeföreningen Concordia Catholica 1995-2005 – Jubileumsskrift över föreningens senaste decennium med anledning av dess 110-årsjubileum (2005), tillsammans med James Blom (Concordia Catholic Family Association 1995-2005 – Anniversary of the Society's Last Decade on the Occasion of its 110th Anniversary, with James Blom).
- After his primary education in Kayes and secondary education in Bamako, Niang continued his studies in Dakar, Senegal, where he obtained a Masters in Economic Science and to Caen (France) where he obtained a diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées (DESS), in finance.
- Franz Christoph Khevenhüller (Count of Frankenburg), Conterfet Kupfferstich: (soviel man deren zu handen bringen können) deren jenigen regierenden grossen Herren, so von Käysers Ferdinand dess Andern Geburt, biss zu desselben seeligisten tödtlichen Abschied successivè regiert, darvon Ertz Hertzog Carl, Vatter Käysers Ferdinand dess Andern, zum ersten gestellet worden, vol.
- In 1767, she published the political work Tankar i anledning af Sista Öfwerflöds-Förordningen Och Dess wärkställighet; Fattade i pennan, och Dedicerade til MALCONTENTERNE, Af En Fri Svensk (Thoughts in regard to the last Abundance-Law and its implementation; written by pen, and dedicated to MALCONTENTERNE, by a free Swede).
- Les relations du personnel politique aux sondages d'opinion : histoire et analyse d'une entreprise politique : le barrisme de 1976 à 1991, 1991, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Mémm DESS (OCLC 29456608).
- - Tankar i anledning af Sista Öfwerflöds-Förordningen Och Dess wärkställighet; Fattade i pennan, och Dedicerade til MALCONTENTERNE, Af En Fri Svensk, by Françoise Marguerite Janiçon.
- Johann Weichard Freiherr von Valvasor (1689): Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain: das ist, Wahre, gründliche, und recht eigendliche Belegen- und Beschaffenheit dieses Römisch-Keyserlichen herrlichen Erblandes; Laybach (Ljubljana).
- Antologia Gothoburgensis: det är en bok i ord och bilder om Göteborg genom tiderna skildrad av samtida författare och konstnärer jämte kronologska anteckningar om viktigare händelser i staden från dess grundläggning, Folke Persson, Agne Rundqvist, Arvid Flygare, Maja Kjellin, Stig Roth, Rundqvists Boktryckeri, Göteborg 1953 s.
- Ionometallurgy makes use of non-aqueous ionic solvents such ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs), which allows the development of closed-loop flow sheet to effectively recover metals by, for instance, integrating the metallurgical unit operations of leaching and electrowinning.
- Undersökning om herr Frantz Jennings och herr Robert Finlay, efter föregifvande värkeligen härstamma, den förre ifrån en adelig engelsk, och den senare ifrån en skåtsk familia: i grund hvaraf de blifvit ej allenast naturaliserade svenske adelsmän, utan ock, såsom sådane, deltagare både i Sveriges lagstiftande magt och dess hemligaste rådplägningar.
- while Future performs the second verse, in which he disses football quarterback Russell Wilson, who married Future's ex-girlfriend Ciara ("Goyard bag, tote the cutter / I got it out the field, fuck Russell"), and name-drops his other ex-girlfriends as well ("Go and ask Lori about the Patek / Then go and ask Joie and ask Dess").
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