Anagrammes & Informations sur | Mot Anglaise HTR
Nombre de lettres
Est palindrome
Exemples d’utilisation de HTR dans une phrase
- Handwriting recognition (HWR), also known as handwritten text recognition (HTR), is the ability of a computer to receive and interpret intelligible handwritten input from sources such as paper documents, photographs, touch-screens and other devices.
- The SSEB submitted designs for four types of reactor then being considered by HM Government for the next stage of the UK civil nuclear programme: the advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR), the Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor (SGHWR), the Light Water Reactor (LWR) and the High Temperature Reactor (HTR).
- The stated purpose of the proposed structure is; preserve PBMR as a legal entity, preserve and optimise IP, preserve HTR license, preserve assets and solicit new investors.
- Unlike most lncRNAs which are assembled from introns by the spliceosome, hTR is directly transcribed from a dedicated promoter site located at genomic locus 3q26.
Rechercher HTR dans:
(Français) Wiktionary
(Français) Wikipedia
(Anglaise) Wiktionary
(Anglaise) Google Answers
(Anglaise) Britannica
(Français) Wiktionary
(Français) Wikipedia
(Anglaise) Wiktionary
(Anglaise) Google Answers
(Anglaise) Britannica
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