Anagrammes & Informations sur | Mot Anglaise ROAMERS
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Est palindrome
Exemples d’utilisation de ROAMERS dans une phrase
- Speaker Cesca Peroni, leader of the Roamers, finds herself stranded on a small icy outpost where miners have uncovered a hibernating army of Klikiss robots.
- When Reynald accedes the throne, Cesca is the new Speaker of the Roamers and belatedly accepts his proposal for the good the alliance will bring — even though she is in love with someone else.
Rechercher ROAMERS dans:
(Français) Wiktionary
(Français) Wikipedia
(Anglaise) Wiktionary
(Anglaise) Google Answers
(Anglaise) Britannica
(Français) Wiktionary
(Français) Wikipedia
(Anglaise) Wiktionary
(Anglaise) Google Answers
(Anglaise) Britannica
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