1,157 German Words From Letters ABREICHENDEM
Definition: 1. beginning at that time or location; from
There are 5 definitions of the word ab
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Definition: 1. ABC, alphabet
There are 3 definitions of the word Abc
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Definition: 1. to twist off
There are 7 definitions of the word abdrehen
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Definition: 1. evening; the time from dusk onwards (unlike in English, now generally including the first hours of the night, until midnight)
There are 2 definitions of the word abend
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Definition: 1. but; however; though
There are 5 definitions of the word aber
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Definition: 1. Clipping of Abitur.
There are 2 definitions of the word Abi
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Definition: 1. (archaic) to take away the right of ownership of a farm
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