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Esempi di utilizzo di APICALLY in una frase

  • They are distinguished by having their two flagella inserted apically, rather than ventrally as in other groups.
  • While the organizer is the dorsal lip of the blastopore, this is not one set of cells, but rather is a constantly changing group of cells that migrate over the dorsal lip of the blastopore by forming apically constricted bottle cells.
  • Antlion adults are easily distinguished from damselflies by their prominent, apically clubbed antennae which are about as long as the head and thorax combined.
  • Myxophaga have several diagnostic features: the antennae are more or less distinctly clubbed with usually fewer than nine segments, mesocoxal cavities are open laterally and bordered by a mesepimeron and metanepisternum, the hind wings are rolled apically in the resting positions.
  • The inflorescence is an open cymose panicle of apically small white flowers, sometimes with a purple or mauve striped tube.
  • The genus is distinguished from other Malesian Euphorbiaceae by the following traits: if present the latex is not obvious; hairs are present; pistillate (female) flowers have apically split stigmas; the male (staminate) flowers have stamens that split into two equal branches, arising from 4‒7 androphores/stalks, with ultimately more than 100 stamens.
  • The prophyll covers the flowers on the inflorescence until the sexual phase (anthesis) and then splits open apically into two triangular lobes.
  • Forewing discoidal streak clavate (club shaped), apically truncate, subapically either notched or sometimes indistinctly divided; triangular spot beyond broad, well defined, acute at apex, but not elongate; discal series of spots separate, not connate (united), each about twice as long as broad; postdiscal transverse series of small spots incomplete, but some are always present.
  • Some features that distinguish adult Diopsoidea from other flies are: a well-sclerotised face, antennae usually deflexed to strongly elbowed (if not, then either the fore or hind femur is entirely swollen), ocelli positioned near the vertex of the head, no katepisternal setae, wing veins R2+3 and R4+5 subparallel or slightly convergent apically, and the wing anal cell being comparable in size to the subcostal cell.
  • The hindwing is in the apical half of the cell and short apically truncate streaks in the interspaces beyond white; these broad streaks broad are divided only by the black veins, followed by a subterminal curved series of crimson lunules irrorated with black scales.
  • Forewings and hindwings: the following jet-black markings: Forewing: two broad more or less parallel streaks from base extended obliquely to the costa, the outer of the two apically curved and on the costa coalescent with the inner streak; costal margin very narrowly edged with black; an anterior, post-discal, outwardly oblique, short bar, slightly clavate posteriorly, extends between the costa and vein 5; opposing this there is between the dorsum and vein 3 a similar but erect and apically non-clavate bar; beyond these there is an inner and outer transverse complete subterminal series of spots followed by an anteciliary slender black line; the spots of the inner subterminal series quadrate, of the outer linear, the posterior two of the former very large; lastly, a single detached postdiscal spot in interspace 3 very close to the inner subterminal line of spots.
  • It should be differentially diagnosed from a dentigerous cyst and the main difference is that the radiolucency in case of AOT extends apically beyond the cementoenamel junction.
  • Radiographically, they are small unilocular or larger multilocular well defined non-corticated radiolucencies, triangular or crescent in shape, with the base apically between adjacent roots of vital teeth.
  • It has conspicuous crimson bill ornaments—a round red knob with bony core adorns the maxilla base, while the cere extends apically at least halfway under this knob and below the mandible base forms a small fleshy wattle.
  • The depth of the sulcus (Latin for groove) is bounded by two entities: apically by the gingival fibers of the connective tissue attachment and coronally by the free gingival margin.
  • Stems scandent, clambering or sprawling, branching, producing aerial roots, stiff, to 1-2(-5) m long, 2–3 cm thick; ribs 4–6 or more, later terete, acute; areoles 1,5–2 mm on Ø, reddish brown at first, later greyish brown, internodes 1,5-2,5 cm; spines 6–8, 1 mm long, acicular, white or yellowish, later blackish, radial spines 5–6 central spines 1–2, basally 0,25 mm in Ø above the swollen bases, apically attenuate-conical, circular in cross section, the bulbous bases 0,5 mm in Ø, hairlike spines none; epidermis light green, somewhat shining.
  • Most species are black or dark brown, sometimes metallic greenish-tinted, with apical whitish abdominal bands on the terga (the related genus Lasioglossum, which is otherwise often similar in appearance, has the abdominal hair bands located basally, not apically).
  • An apically repositioned flap is a widely used procedure that involves flap elevation with subsequent osseous contouring.
  • Sporangiophores bearing sporangiola are erect, hyaline, unbranched, and apically dilated to form a clavate vesicle, from which arise dichotomously branched, distally clavate secondary vesicles.
  • When destroyed, the gingival sulcus (labelled G in the diagram) increases in depth apically, allowing more debris and bacteria to remain in intimate contact with the delicate sulcular and junctional epithelia for longer times.
  • This is a variable species as to size, color and structure, particularly the pronotal horn of males (which is more angled posteriorly than the females' and often somewhat expanded apically).
  • In cultures of transfected MDCS cells, T-cadherin was also expressed apically, whereas N-cadherin located basolaterally corresponded to the zone of cell contacts.
  • Uropodal exopod apically acute, reaching to about midlength of endopod; latter distally broad; with slight tooth at distolateral angle.
  • Characteristics that this genus shares with Phyllachne include apically fused thecae that form a single-celled curved anther and the epigynous nectaries.
  • Forewings and hindwings: the following jet-black markings: Forewing: two broad more or less parallel streaks from base extended obliquely to the costa, the outer of the two apically curved and on the costa coalescent with the inner streak; costal margin very narrowly edged with black; an anterior, postdiscal, outwardly oblique, short bar, slightly clavate (club shaped) posteriorly, extends between the costa and vein 5; opposing this there is between the dorsum and vein 3 a similar but erect and apically non-clavate bar; beyond these there is an inner and outer transverse complete subterminal series of spots followed by an anteciliary slender black line; the spots of the inner subterminal series quadrate, of the outer linear, the posterior two of the former very large; lastly, a single detached postdiscal spot in interspace 3 very close to the inner subterminal line of spots.

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