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  • They have hairy toothed leaves and terminal racemes of white or violet flowers in Spring and Summer, followed by prominent, translucent, disc-shaped seedpods, which are frequently seen in flower arrangements.
  • Other characters common to the order include leaves with entire (untoothed) margins, flowers arranged in racemes, small styles capable of receiving pollen along their entire length rather than having a separate stigma, one to two ovules per carpel, and seeds with testae (coats) made up of several cell layers.
  • The racemes have spikelets grouped in twos, threes, or fours, with a sterile and a fertile flower producing the fonio grain.
  • Examples of racemes occur on mustard (genus Brassica), radish (genus Raphanus), and orchid (genus Phalaenopsis) plants.
  • Hyacinthus grows from bulbs, each producing around four to six narrow untoothed leaves and one to three spikes or racemes of flowers.
  • Racemes with yellow flowers are borne in the axils and tips of the leaves, with 10–25 flowers per pedicel, self-pollinated.
  • They are characterised by having bracteate racemes, pedicellate flowers, six persistent tepals, septal nectaries, three almost-distinct carpels, simultaneous microsporogenesis, monosulcate pollen, and follicular fruit.
  • In spring and summer it bears terminal racemes of white, pink or violet flowers, followed by showy, green through light brown, translucent, disc-shaped siliques (not true botanical seedpods), sometimes called moonpennies.
  • The plant is fast-growing and flowers prolifically, sending out 10 to 40 flowered one-sided racemes cascading pea-flower shaped purple to violet flowers from the leaf axil during its late spring to late summer flowering period.
  • The leaves are pinnate, with 9–21 leaflets, and the flowers in pendulous racemes similar to those of the black locust.
  • The wooly-haired flowers grow at the end of a leaflet stalk, in cymes (with lateral branches), panicles or racemes.
  • Most species have yellowish green, small, unisexual or rarely polygamous flowers; which are produced singly or in axillary cymes, cymose racemes, or cymose panicles containing a few flowers.
  • The staminate flowers are arranged in small bunches and the pistillate flowers grow on long racemes which will become the long strands of fruit.
  • Plants in the genus Grevillea are shrubs, rarely trees, with the leaves arranged alternately along the branches, the flowers zygomorphic, arranged in racemes at the ends of branchlets, and the fruit a follicle that splits down one side only, releasing one or two seeds.
  • Brachystegia spiciformis, commonly known as zebrawood, or msasa, is a medium-sized African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers.
  • The species produce several racemes, arising from the base of the pseudobulb, with many yellow-green to olive-green, waxy flowers with dark purplish-red marks.
  • It is a prostrate annual or short lived perennial herb with imparipinnate leaves with about 15 elliptic to egg-shaped leaflets with the narrower end towards the base, and racemes of usually red flowers in racemes of 2 to 6.
  • The leaves are trifoliolate, alternate, or spiraled, and the flowers are pea-like but larger, with distinctive curved petals, and occurring in racemes.
  • They are rather small plants with a rosette of simple orbicular or ovate leaves, with a flower stem bearing generally rather lax racemes of simple white, cream or pink flowers.
  • Spikelets within the inflorescence (flower cluster) are generally arranged on spicate racemes in pairs.

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