Anagrams & Informasjon om | Engelsk ordet ALOBAR
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- Cyclopia (named after the Greek mythology characters cyclopes), also known as alobar holoprosencephaly, is the most extreme form of holoprosencephaly and is a congenital disorder (birth defect) characterized by the failure of the embryonic prosencephalon to properly divide the orbits of the eye into two cavities.
- A powerful and chiseled 8th-century king named Alobar narrowly escapes regicide at the hands of his own subjects, from a custom of killing the leader at the first sign of aging.
Søk etter ALOBAR i:
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(Bokmål) Wikipedia
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(Engelsk) Google Answers
(Engelsk) Britannica
(Bokmål) Wiktionary
(Bokmål) Wikipedia
(Engelsk) Wiktionary
(Engelsk) Google Answers
(Engelsk) Britannica
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