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  • APL (named after the book A Programming Language) is a programming language developed in the 1960s by Kenneth E.
  • To avoid repeating the APL special-character problem, J uses only the basic ASCII character set, resorting to the use of the dot and colon as inflections to form short words similar to digraphs.
  • The list of all subsequences for the word "apple" would be "a", "ap", "al", "ae", "app", "apl", "ape", "ale", "appl", "appe", "aple", "apple", "p", "pp", "pl", "pe", "ppl", "ppe", "ple", "pple", "l", "le", "e", "" (empty string).
  • One hotbed of interest was at Stanford University which included Larry Breed, Phil Abrams, Roger Moore, Charles Brenner, and Mike Jenkins, all of whom later made contributions to APL.
  • In addition to Waterloo BASIC some of the other early products included WATCOM APL, WATCOM GKS, WATCOM COBOL, WATCOM FORTRAN (WATFIV and WATFOR-77), WATCOM Pascal and the Waterloo 6809 Assembler.
  • At first they were text-only teletype games, and then he created a much larger senior product in APL: Koronis Strike: A Simulation of Mining and Combat in the Asteroid Belt, which featured realistic orbital mechanics and ran on the school's first video terminal.
  • The team, now including hardware engineer José Laraya, software engineer André Arpin, and two APL programmers, Don Genner and Morgan Smyth, started to build what was then termed the M/C, for microcomputer.
  • In the case of APL the notion applies to every operand; and dyads ("binary functions") have a left rank and a right rank.
  • Computer labs: Advanced Projects Lab (APL), Advanced Teaching Lab (ATL), Communication & Marketing Labs (CML) 1, 2, and Journalism Lab (JRL)
  • APL worked on the management of some of the Administration's ships, maintaining and overhauling them as well as crewing them and being responsible for the handling of cargo and passengers.
  • When the engineers at IBM asked one beta tester, Donald Polonis, for his analysis, he commented that if folks had to learn APL to use it, the IBM 5100 would not make it as a personal computer.
  • The pipe in APL is the modulo or residue function between two operands and the absolute value function next to one operand.
  • 88 Type S3 ships (most LSTs): 14 AGP, 5 AKS, 7 APB, 1 APL, 13 ARB, 2 ARC, 39 ARL, 3 ARST, 2 ARVA, 2 ARVE.
  • Starting in the late 1970s, Larman worked as a software developer in APL, Lisp, Prolog, and Smalltalk, using iterative and evolutionary methods, which strongly influenced his interest in methods and technologies in software development, that later became a focus of his consulting and writing.
  • The FPSO has a disconnectable turret (APL) The vessel can disconnect in advance of hurricanes and reconnect with minimal down time.
  • The biology of retinoids is complex and their use in medicine has well-known benefits in diseases like acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) or acne.
  • Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML, APL) is a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a cancer of the white blood cells.
  • In turn, the IWW alleged that APL members burgled and vandalized IWW offices and harassed IWW members.
  • In 2012, Topanga Technologies introduced a line of advanced plasma lamps (APL), driven by a solid state radio frequency (RF) driver, thereby circumventing the limited life of magnetron-based drivers, with system power of 127 and 230 volts and system efficacies of 96 and 87 lumen/watt, with a CRI of about 70.
  • In APL, when a workspace is loaded, the contents of "quad LX" (latent expression) variable is interpreted as an APL expression and executed.
  • The 2645A was followed in November 1976 by the 2641A, a 2645A derivative designed for the APL programming language, and in April 1977 by the 2645R, a 2645 which supported right-to-left Arabic text as well as left-to-right text in Roman letters.
  • am takes Fergie on a horse-ride, apl takes her dancing and Taboo takes her to a restaurant, but each date ends badly with Voodoo Thursday sabotaging the boys' attempts.
  • These languages, of which Fortran, APL, IDL, NumPy, PDL, and S-Lang are examples, allow the programmer to manipulate complete film clips and other data en masse with simple expressions derived from linear algebra and vector mathematics.
  • IPSA employed a team of expert APL implementors and contributors at its head office in Toronto: including Ian Sharp, in his role as enabler, Roger Moore, Dick Lathwell, Brian Daly in his role as marketing guy in Ottawa, Bob Bernecky, Leigh O.
  • In 2023, APL announced that researchers have developed one of the world's smallest, most intense and fastest refrigeration devices, the wearable thin-film thermoelectric cooler (TFTEC), and teamed with neuroscientists to help amputees perceive a sense of temperature with their phantom limbs.

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