Anagrams & Informasjon om | Engelsk ordet EIDEM
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- The city still has undeveloped land and farms, including the historic Eidem Homestead, a 1900s working farm that is a popular tourist attraction for families and school field trips.
- Following the murder of Kaj Munk on 4 January 1944 the Danish resistance newspaper De frie Danske brought condemning reactions from influential Scandinavians, including Eidem.
- Of note were filmmaker Olav Dalgard; the authors Helge Krog, Odd Eidem, Sigurd Hoel, Arnulf Øverland, Nic Waal and Inger Hagerup—the latter two of the few women who were connected to Mot Dag; future director of Norway's military intelligence Vilhelm Evang and future director of the Norwegian Directorate for Health, Karl Evang.
- Over the years, WVUD air personalities such as Steve Wendell, Dan Covey, Art Farkas, Alan McConnell, Dan Pugh (later known as Dan Patrick), Bill Andres, Bill Pugh, "Dolby" Joe Reiling, Steve Downes, Lou Chelekis, Rich Wieser (The Weezer), Patty Spittler, Michael Luczak, Mary Kuzan, Steve Kerrigan, Jim Tobin (Yost), Keith Wright, Sandy Huff, Dave McGuire (Vadnais), Jim Biggins, Joe Rittman, Dan Ross, Bob Eidem and Mark Zona competed successfully with much more experienced radio pros in the Dayton market.
- Transliterating the Domesday Book Latin the entry reads: In Scelfeld est hida vasta pertinens eidem Manerio.
- Lusus mundi et ejusdem actus Scenicus, prout in humillima familia Aporiana ab exitu quidem ex Scythia non interrupta serie nobilis, sic in reliquis eidem sangvine junctis inclitis familiis, opere et veritate.
- facultas juridica coram senatu populoque academico annuos honores eidem divo tutelari suo solenni ritu instauraret.
- abbas Reding, promiserunt in verbo veritatis quod bona fide laborabunt quod omnia predicta compleantur et quod compellent contradictores singuli, scilicet, in parochiis suis per censuram ecclesiasticam quod predicta observentur et super hoc cartas suas dederunt eidem A.
- In addition to a journal and a booklet of commercial content in the Serbian language, he also anonymously issued -- "Dissertatio brevis et sincera auctoris Hungari de genta serba perperam Rasciana dicta ejusque meritis ac fatis in Hungaria cum appendice privi niorum eidem genti elargitorum".
- Transliterating the Domesday Book Latin the entry reads: In Scelfeld est hida vasta pertinens eidem Manerio.
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