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Eksempler på bruk av FORN i en setning
- The Old Catholic Church in Sweden and Denmark and the Forn Siðr — Ásatrú and Vanatrú Association in Denmark also allow solemnizations of same-sex marriages.
- Alboraya's foods include typical valencian dishes like a pot made with rice, beans and turnips (arròs amb fesols i naps); baked rice (arròs al forn); rice with spinach; ox-liver paella (paella amb fetge); spicy snails (avellanencs).
- The editorial staff included journalists such as Horacio Verbitsky, writers Tomás Eloy Martínez, Osvaldo Soriano and José María Pasquini Durán, Juan Gelman, Eduardo Galeano, Osvaldo Bayer, Rodrigo Fresán, Alan Pauls, Juan Forn, Eduardo Berti, Ernesto Tenembaum, Homero Alsina Thevenet, José Pablo Feinmann, Juan Sasturain Miguel Repiso (Rep) who since the release of first edition has been in charge of illustrating the back cover and various sections of the paper, have been regular contributors.
- Spanish Heathen groups include the Odinist Community of Spain–Ásatrú, which identifies as both Odinist and Ásatrú, the Asatru Lore Vanatru Assembly, the Gotland Forn Sed and Circulo Asatrú Tradición Hispánica, of which four, the first one is officially registered by the State; Celtist or Druidic groups include the Dun Ailline Druid Brotherhood (Hermandad Druida Dun Ailline) and the Fintan Druidic Order, both registered.
- The Troth defines itself as a religious organization of Germanic Heathenry open to all the forms of the religion (Asatru, Urglaawe, Forn Sed, and others) international in scope, with training clergy, promoting cooperation and community, and providing information and educational publications as objectives.
- Forn Sed Norge is known to keep a lower public profile than Åsatrufellesskapet Bifrost, but both organizations participate in a broader cultural scene revolving around Old Norse culture, with events such as Viking markets and music inspired by Old Norse poetry.
- Goði for Svealand and former Chairman of the Board Henrik Hallgren has represented Ásatrú at the "Spirituality beyond Religions" international conference organized in Jaipur, India, in 2006 by the World Council of Elders of Ancient Traditions and Cultures, presenting a paper entitled "Ecological spirituality and Forn Sed," and in 2010, 2011, and 2012 presented programs on heathenry in the Vid dagens början series of religious and philosophical reflections on Sveriges Radio, provoking criticism from Siewert Öholm that Ásatrú was not worthy of broadcasting.
- These are generally split into two streams characterised by a different approach to folk and folklore: Ásatrú, a movement that been associated with the most innovative and Edda-based approaches within Heathenry, and Forn Siðr, Forn Sed or Nordisk Sed, a movement marked by being generally more traditionalist, ethnic-focused and folklore-rooted, characterised by a worldview which its proponents call folketro ("faith of the folk", "folk religion").
- 1972 – 2004: Germanic Neopaganism (aka Heathenism, Heathenry, Ásatrú, Odinism, Forn Siðr, Vor Siðr, and Theodism) began to experience a second wave of revival.
- Those who practice the religions or folk-ways of Ásatrú, Forn Sed, Odinism or Theodism are all considered part of a greater Heathen umbrella.
- The jailed ministers were separated and sent to five different prisons: Bassa and Borrás to Alcalá, Junqueras and Forn to Estremera, Mundó to Aranjuez prison, Romeva and Turull to Valdemoro and Rull to Navalcarnero.
- Germanic Heathenry is represented in Catalonia by "Gotland Forn Sed" (Scandinavian Germanic for "Gothland Old Belief").
- As a film actor, he has been involved in more than thirty films, with some directors such as Jaime Camino, Vicente Aranda, Bigas Luna, Luis García Berlanga, Félix Rotaeta, Ventura Pons and Josep Maria Forn.
- Puigdemont and five other Catalan ministers (Dolors Bassa, Meritxell Borrás, Antoni Comín, Joaquim Forn and Meritxell Serret) arrived in Belgium on 30 October 2017.
- According to the officers of the Order of Santiago half a century later, the Civit de Rocafort family were little lords, and possessed a “a midsized ancestral home with a white stone coat of arms on the front door, featuring a feathered morion at the top, within it a castle and below it two dogs fighting” on Carrer del Forn.
- Forn, Puigdemont and four other Catalan ministers (Dolors Bassa, Meritxell Borràs, Antoni Comín and Meritxell Serret) arrived in Belgium on 30 October 2017.
- Borràs, Puigdemont and four other Catalan ministers (Dolors Bassa, Antoni Comín, Joaquim Forn and Meritxell Serret) arrived in Belgium on 30 October 2017.
- On November 2, 2017, eight members of the Catalan Government, including Jordi Turull, Oriol Junqueras, Josep Rull, Meritxell Borràs, Carles Mundó, Raül Romeva, Dolors Bassa, Joaquim Forn and ex-minister Santi Vila, gave testimony before the Spanish Audiencia Nacional general court.
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