Anagrams & Informasjon om | Engelsk ordet LEPS
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- These LEPs can be anywhere within the north east and north Cumbria, however students will spend at least 2 years in an LEP that is a commutable distance from Newcastle.
- The BSF programme involved the decentralisation of funds to local education partnerships (LEPs) to build and improve secondary school buildings.
- A number of Devon councils favoured joining with Cornwall to form a "Devonwall" LEP, with Devon County Council arguing the two counties would be better united than fighting for funding against "very big regional LEPs, particularly in the north".
- The players who played for Voorwaarts in this match were Harry Nassy, John Monkou, Jean Heilbron, Frank Oliveira, John Leps, Louis Monkou, Gerrit Brakke, Max Lashley, Eddie da Costa, Riek Anijs en Hans Nahar.
- They promote research in lepidopterology and dissemination of the findings through conferences such as the biennial European Congresses of Lepidopterology or the TILS Leps Talk.
- Mark Donaldson, John Donohue, Brian Duffy, Jayson Dumenigo, Thomas DuPont, Andy Dylan, Greg Wayne Elam, Kofi Elam, Paul Eliopoulos, Robert Elmore, Masaaki Endo, Jonathan Eusebio, Roel Failma, Dane Farwell, Jeremy Fry, Darin Fujimori, Richie Gaona, Mickey Giacomazzi, Erica Grace, Dean Grimes, Charles Grisham, Al Goto, Sam Hargrave, Zac Henry, Steven Ho, Lisa Hoyle, Randall Huber, Zach Hudson, Alex Huynh, Yoshio Iizuka, Keii Johnston, John Koyama, Anthony Kramme, Theo Kypri, Reuben Langdon, Danny Le Boyer, Don Lee, Michelle Lee, Will Leong, Christopher Leps, James Lew, Michael Li, Sam Looc, Kurt D.
- 2009-2013 – Mult lichnosti as Vladimir Pozner / Nikita Mikhalkov / Gennady Zyuganov / Sergey Lavrov / Dmitry Medvedev / Dick Advocaat / Viktor Yushchenko / Guus Hiddink / Stas Mikhaylov / Sergey Sobyanin / Grigory Leps / Fyodor Bondarchuk / Nicolas Sarkozy / Alexander Lukashenko / Sergey Bezrukov / Viktor Yanukovych.
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