Synonymer & Anagrams | Engelsk ordet MORGEN
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- He is best known for his "Elling" tetralogy: Utsikt til paradiset (1993), Fugledansen (1995), Brødre i blodet (1996), and Elsk meg i morgen (1999).
- After a settlement was negotiated with mediation from the Transvaal Republic, large portions of Mankoroane's land with 416 farms of 3,000 morgen (2,563 ha) each were given to Boer mercenaries who had fought on his adversary's side, and the new inhabitants decided to declare independence.
- Many of his children's songs are still popular, and are known by nearly every German child, including "Alle Vögel sind schon da", "Ein Männlein steht im Walde", "Summ, summ, summ", "Winters Abschied" ("Winter ade, scheiden tut weh"), "Kuckuck, Kuckuck, ruft's aus dem Wald", "Der Kuckuck und der Esel", "A, a, a, der Winter der ist da", "Der Frühling hat sich eingestellt", and the Christmas song "Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann".
- In particular, the piano's rhythms constantly express the moods of the poet, like the distinctive rhythm of "Auf dem Flusse", the restless syncopated figures in "Rückblick", the dramatic tremolos in "Einsamkeit", the glimmering clusters of notes in "Irrlicht", or the sharp accents in "Der stürmische Morgen".
- The camp was the subject of an abuse investigation by SS judge Georg Konrad Morgen, who accused Dirlewanger of wanton acts of murder, corruption, and Rassenschande or race defilement with a Jewish woman named Sarah Bergmann.
- After his activity as a physician, he was editor-in-chief of the magazine Welt am Morgen, where he became acquainted with Friedrich Naumann, who was, at the time, working door-to-door for different daily papers.
- "Gib uns auch morgen unser tägliches Brot, die wechselvolle Lebensgeschichte des Gränicher Kornhauses", by Franz Kretz, 1995.
- His first films were Die Abenteuer eines Zehnmarkscheines (Uneasy Money, 1926), Hokuspokus (Hocuspocus, 1930), and Dreyfus (The Dreyfus Case, 1930), Zwischen Nacht und Morgen (Between Night and Dawn, 1931), Geheimdienst (Intelligence, 1931), Junge Liebe (Young Love, 1931), and Nachtkolonne (Night Column, 1932).
- Born to a railwayman in Frankfurt, Morgen graduated from the University of Frankfurt and The Hague Academy of International Law, before becoming a judge in Stettin.
- "Heute hier, morgen dort" ("Day to Day", music by Gary Bolstad titled "Indian Summer", lyrics by Hannes Wader).
- Some of his songs, such as his famous 1932 Es zittern die morschen Knochen ("The frail bones tremble", especially known for the line changed, "Denn heute da hört uns Deutschland/Und morgen die ganze Welt", in English "For today Germany hears us/But tomorrow the whole world shall", where da hört was frequently replaced by gehört, "belongs to") which became the official marching song of the Reichsarbeitsdienst in 1935, were enormously popular within the National Socialist movement, and are naturally no longer accepted today.
- Christine Klusacek, Kurt Stimmer: Favoriten - zwischen gestern und morgen ("Favoriten - Between Yesterday and Tomorrow"), Mohl Verlag, Vienna 2005,.
- De zon gaat zinloos onder, morgen moet zij toch weer op (The sun sets pointlessly, it has got to rise again tomorrow anyway) (1990).
- According to the commentary by directors Burstein and Morgen on the DVD, many elements from the book, such as Evans' childhood and his other marriages (the film concentrates only on his marriage to Ali MacGraw), were dropped because they felt they did not move the story along.
- In the mid 90s, Das Bo and Tobi Tobsen had already made an impression in the German hip-hop scene as Der Tobi & Das Bo with their album Genie und Wahnsinn liegen dicht beieinander and the accompanying singles "Der Racka" and "Morgen geht die Bombe hoch".
- His novels include White Book (an absurdist picture of life under Communism), I Am Snowing (a post-Communism story about the opening of the Communist-era secret police informer files, the effect of that opening on the informers and their victims, and thus about the corrosive effect of the Communist regime), The Widow Killer (a detective story set in World War II Nazi-occupied Prague), and The Hangwoman (a black-humor story about executioners), Seven Days in a Week (1965) and Morgen tanzt die ganze Welt (1952).
- The short films Summer by Hong Khaou, Lucky Man by Dan Faltz, Sonntag Morgen by Beate Kunath, #01 hygienist by Beate Kunath and Backstroke by Amy Bronson.
- He was the author of Das Wagnis der Freiheit (Tactical Mobility of Carriages) (1952); Soldatische Existenz morgen (1953); Der Artillerie gewidmet (1975); and Robert Martinek: General der Artillerie, Lebensbild eines Soldaten (1975).
- Mark Uytterhoeven already enjoyed high popularity with TV audiences thanks to his humoristic presentation during the FIFA World Cup coverage in 1990 and 1994 and programs like Het Huis van Wantrouwen (1991-1992) and Morgen Maandag (1993), which all achieved high ratings.
- In the original version, directed by Morgen Dye, Beth Ditto is eating a pizza in response to jibes about her weight and several young people dancing to the track.
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