Anagrams & Informasjon om | Engelsk ordet TRAYNE
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Eksempler på bruk av TRAYNE i en setning
- The eleven men who were named as the academy's incorporators were Joseph Colby, Anthony Colby, Perley Burpee, Jonathan Greeley, John Brown, Jonathan Herrick, David Everett, Samuel Carr, Walter Flanders, Jonathan Addison and Marshall Trayne.
- The charter gave to the Proprietors the right "to Leavy Muster and Trayne all sortes of men of what Conditon or wherefoever borne in the said Province for the tyme being".
- The charter gave to the Proprietors the right "to Leavy Muſter and Trayne all sortes of men of what Conditon or whereſoever borne in the said Province for the tyme being".
- The charter gave to the Proprietors the right "to Leavy Mufter and Trayne all sortes of men of what Conditon or wherefoever borne in the said Province for the tyme being".
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