Anagrammen & Informatie over | Engels woord EMIC
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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van EMIC in een zin
- He was the originator of the theory of tagmemics, the coiner of the terms "emic" and "etic" and the developer of the constructed language Kalaba-X for use in teaching the theory and practice of translation.
- The emic and etic approaches each have their own strengths and limitations, and each can be useful in understanding different aspects of culture and behavior.
- The terms "emic" and "etic" originated in the work of missionary-linguist Kenneth Pike, despite the latter's conceptual differences with Harris' constructs.
- Some research indicates classic EMIC projections are biased toward AMOC collapse because they subject the circulation toward an unrealistically constant flow of freshwater.
- The title of his doctoral dissertation was Ethnoarchaeology of the Yamal Nenets: utilizing emic and etic evidence in the interpretation of archaeological residues.
- Kinds of emic units are generally denoted by terms with the suffix -eme, such as phoneme, grapheme, and morpheme.
- Grant Trask brought the Trask name back to Formula 1 powerboats when he drove a third boat for Team EMIC at both Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, while Rashed Al Qamzi, cousin to Thani Al Qamzi, was rewarded for winning the F4-S title with a one-off drive in Sharjah in a third boat for Team Abu Dhabi.
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