Anagrammen & Informatie over | Engels woord FORMANT
Aantal letters
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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van FORMANT in een zin
- In speech science and phonetics, a formant is the broad spectral maximum that results from an acoustic resonance of the human vocal tract.
- The concept of manner is mainly used in the discussion of consonants, although the movement of the articulators will also greatly alter the resonant properties of the vocal tract, thereby changing the formant structure of speech sounds that is crucial for the identification of vowels.
- Paralinguistic cues such as loudness, rate, pitch, pitch contour, and to some extent formant frequencies of an utterance, contribute to the emotive or attitudinal quality of an utterance.
- Later he added a noise generator and an envelope generator (so called 'Schlagwerk'), formant filter (several bandpass filters) and the subharmonic oscillators.
- An r-colored or rhotic vowel (also called a retroflex vowel, vocalic r, or a rhotacized vowel) is a vowel that is modified in a way that results in a lowering in frequency of the third formant.
- The software supports formant analysis, pitch extraction, and spectrogram visualization, along with speech synthesis, including articulatory synthesis.
- Besides these emulations (which carry euphemistic names due to trademark issues), it has a series of filter models that are not commonly found on most synthesizers, such as formant and comb filters.
- There is a version, that the word sulguni is etymologized as Ossetic (Digor dialect) сулугун (sulugun) adding Georgian nominative formant i, where sulu means Whey, and formant -gun means "made of".
- In 1983, Felix Visser, product specialist Marc Paping, and designer Bert Vermeulen created the Synton Syrinx, a monophonic analog synthesizer that contained unique features such as a metal touchplate for manipulating sound as well as a formant filter.
- Accoustice studies confirm that the schwas which trigger vowel harmony in Moro show a significantly lower F1 formant than those which do not, and that schwas in raised vowel contexts in Moro also exhibit significantly lower F1 formants than those in non-raised contexts.
- Catalogue de tableaux anciens et modernes, aquarelles et dessins et objets d'art formant la célèbre collection M.
- This tonotopic degradation is likely to have important implications for speech perception, and can account for degraded coding of vowels following noise-induced hearing loss in which most of the cochlea responds to only the first formant, eliminating the normal tonotopic representation of the second and third formants.
- Of those, 12 are made by Arturia (Basic Waves, Super Wave, Harmonic, Karplus-Strong and Wavetable, Noise, Vocoder, User Wavetable, Sample, Scan Grain, Cloud Grain, and Hit Grain), 7 are made by Mutable Instruments (Virtual Analogue, Waveshaper, Two operator FM, Formant, Chords, Speech and Modal) from their "Plaits" eurorack module, and the remaining 3 are made by Noise Engineering.
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