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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van GENTES in een zin

  • Ad gentes (To the Nations) is the Second Vatican Council's decree on missionary activity that reaffirmed the need for missions and salvation in Christ.
  • Although this error only occurred in 1930 (Bailey, Gentes Herbarum 2: 180–186), it has been perpetuated in hundreds of papers on the watermelon.
  • In Saint Jerome's Latin version of the Bible, the Vulgate, gentilis was used along with gentes, to translate Greek and Hebrew words with similar meanings when the text referred to the non-Israelite peoples.
  • Lucius belonged to the patrician gens Cornelia, one of the most important gentes of the Republic, which counted more consulships than any other.
  • Flaccus was a cognomen of the ancient Roman plebeian family Fulvius, considered one of the most illustrious gentes of the city.
  • It has been argued that Lucius Atilius Luscus, one of the first consular tribunes elected in 444 BC, was a patrician, since the first plebeians were elected to that office in 400; and most if not all of the ancient patrician gentes possessed plebeian branches, which frequently came to eclipse the fame of their patrician forebears.
  • As it became the fashion in the later times of the Republic to claim a divine origin for the most distinguished of the Roman gentes, it was contended that Iulus, the mythical ancestor of the race, was the same as Ascanius, the son of Aeneas, and founder of Alba Longa.
  • One of the thirty-five voting tribes into which the Roman people were divided was named after the Fabii; several tribes were named after important gentes, including the tribes Aemilia, Claudia, Cornelia, Fabia, Papiria, Publilia, Sergia, and Veturia.
  • As with many patrician gentes, the Manlii seem to have acquired plebeian branches as well, and one of the family was tribune of the plebs in the time of Cicero.
  • Even if untrue, the story may reflect close ties between Ptolemy VIII and the gentes Cornelia and Sempronia.
  • Pope Pius XII issued Cupimus Imprimis (1952) and Ad Sinarum Gentes (1954) praising Chinese Catholics for their loyalty and underscoring the importance of martyrdom.
  • Croix compared the situation in Sparta with that of Roman Republic, where a few gentes monopolised senior magistracies, notably thanks to their patronage network—a practice likely prevalent in Spartan politics.
  • Silanus appears to be a lengthened form of Silus, "snub-nosed", which occurs as a cognomen in the Sergia and Terentia gentes, and is not connected with the Greek Silenus, who was nonetheless depicted on their coins.
  • In the Second Vatican Council, Paul VI promulgated the decree Ad gentes, teaching that inculturation imitates the "economy of Incarnation".
  • Laws originally pertaining to matters of contract law among Roman citizens, such as property transfers and manumission, were thus "internationalized" among the gentes.
  • Henrique Galvão's writing can be seen in famous published works, including the five-volume 1933 study Da vida e da morte dos bichos: subsídios para o estudo da fauna de Angola e notas de caça (Of Animals Life and Death: Contributions to the Study of the Fauna of Angola and Hunting Notes), co-authored with Teodósio Cabral and Abel Pratas, and Outras Terras, Outras Gentes.
  • Suárez is especially notable in this regard in that he distinguished between ius inter gentes and ius intra gentes which he derived from ius gentium (the rights of peoples).
  • Maenchen-Helfen thought that Jerome's description of unnamed, multiple tribes who invaded the Roman Empire as feras gentes "whose face and language are terrifying, who display womanly and deeply cut faces, and who pierce the backs of bearded man as they flee" as referring to the Huns.
  • In historic times, the two colleges of priests, known as Luperci, who carried out the sacred rituals of the Lupercalia, were known by these names, suggesting that in the earliest times, the gentes Quinctilia and Fabia superintended these rites as a sacrum gentilicium.
  • He participated in the Council as a peritus (theological expert) and contributed to the drafting of two of the Council's key documents, Ad gentes and Gaudium et spes (both 1965).

Paginavoorbereiding duurde: 323,39 ms.