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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van PREMAXILLA in een zin
- The difference between teleosts and other bony fish lies mainly in their jaw bones; teleosts have a movable premaxilla and corresponding modifications in the jaw musculature which make it possible for them to protrude their jaws outwards from the mouth.
- Their jaws are rather short, with the maxillary bone small and excluded from the mouth opening, while the ascending process of the premaxilla is triangular in overall shape and robustly developed.
- The premaxillary suture on the palate is nearly straight or curved forwards, and the nasal bones separate the premaxilla above.
- It had six teeth in each premaxilla of the upper jaw, and may have had 14 teeth in the maxilla and 19 in the dentary of the lower jaw.
- The nasal branch of the premaxilla is thin, not expanded, the summit of the muzzle is not compressed above, the maxilla is not expanded where it abuts against the nasal bone, and develops no excrescence outside the suborbital foramen.
- Compared to other choristoderes, the lacrimal bone is reduced in size to a small triangle, the postorbital bone does not form part of the orbit (eye socket), there is no contact between the premaxilla and the vomer bones, an internarial bone is present, the choanae are located posteriorly in correlation to the elongation of the vomer, the interpterygoid vacuity is small and completely enclosed by the pterygoid bones and located near the posterior margin of the suborbital fenestra, the shape of the suborbital fenestra is shortened and kidney like, the articulation between the pterygoid and the parasphenoid is fused, the joint between the skull and the lower jaws is anterior to level of the occipital condyles, the neomorphic bone forms most of the border of the posttemporal fenestra, the paroccipital process is strongly deflected downwards, the basal tubera of the basisphenoid are wing-like in shape and expanded backwards and downwards, the mandibular symphysis (connection of the two halves of the lower jaw) is elongated to over half the length of the tooth row, and the splenial bone strongly intervenes in the mandibular symphysis.
- Known from a premaxilla, the nasal bones and their horncore, a postorbital bone and a parietal, the specimen Museum of the Rockies 492 was considered to share the medially-converging parietal spikes with the only other specimen of S.
- It also differed from most relatives in details of the skull, such as the part of the premaxilla below the nostril being taller than long, and in that its maxillary fenestra was larger.
- The jaws of Avimimus were thought to form a parrot-like beak lacking teeth, and a thorough review of the holotype specimen's anatomy confirmed that no teeth were preserved, although a series of tooth-like projections along the tip of the premaxilla were.
- The premaxilla, maxilla, and frontal bones border the external nares, or body nostril openings; unlike other mosasaurs, the prefrontal bones are excluded from the border of the nares by a long posterodorsal process of the maxilla.
- The braincase, premaxilla, facial bones, ribcage, portions of the hands and pectoral girdle (coracoid), and much of the cervical and dorsal vertebral column were described for the first time.
- Unlike in other amniotes, the egg tooth of squamates is an actual tooth which develops from the premaxilla.
- Zittel considered the family to unite all taxa that lacked premaxilla teeth, had a single row of maxilla teeth, neck vertebrae which have flat articulations or a flat front and round back, fused sacral vertebrae, a femur shorter than the tibia, 5 fingered manus' and 4 toed peds.
- The premaxilla is short, giving the appearance of a small, not especially prognathic face relative to other platyrrhines.
- This conclusion rested on key bird-like features; an interdigitated suture between the premaxilla and maxilla, broad palatal shelves, pneumatic sinuses, lack of interdental plates, and unserrated teeth.
- Other incorrect observations by Parks included the conclusion that the os rostrale, the bone core of the upper beak, directly touched the nasals instead of being separated from them by the premaxillae; a presumed anterior process of the jugal touching the premaxilla; and thinking that the interparietal bar of the frill presented a separate skeletal element, an os interparietale.
- The upper beak covered the front of the premaxilla bone and the lower beak covered the predentary, which are, respectively, the foremost bones of the upper and lower jaw in ornithischians.
- The specimen designated as the holotype is MTM Gyn/404 (in the collections of the Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary) and consists of 450 bones, including portions of the skull (premaxilla, left prefrontal, left lacrimal, right postorbital, jugal and quadratojugal, left frontal, pterygoid, vomer, the right quadrate and a fragment of the left quadrate, basioccipital, one hyoid), an incomplete right mandible, three cervical vertebrae, six dorsal vertebrae, ten caudal vertebrae, ossified tendon fragments, three cerival and thirteen dorsal ribs, five chevrons, the left scapulocoracoid, right scapula, portions of the right manus, a partial pelvis, and more than one hundred osteoderms.
- thumb Pang and Cheng, 1998 distinguished Tianzhenosaurus from all other ankylosaurids based on the following traits: A flat, low, medium-sized, isosceles triangle shaped skull; skull roof covered with irregular bony tubercles; a relatively long premaxilla; a small orbit surrounded by a bony ring; horizontally elongates narial openings; septomaxilla not separating the narial openings; maxillary tooth rows slightly convergent posteriorly; short basicranium; maxilloturbinal located laterally in middle part of the palatal vault; vertical occipital region; narrow and high occipital condyle; occipital condyle not visible in dorsal view; opisthotic extends lateroventrally as a curved process; mandible is deep with a convex ventral border; no mandibular ornamentation; tooth crowns have cingula on labial sides, swollen bases, and middle ridge on lingual sides; short, amphicoelous cervical centrum; dorsal centrum is long and flat at both ends; eight fused vertebrae in sacrum; short and thick anterior caudal vertebrae; narrow and elongated posterior caudal vertebrae that ended with a tail club; rectangular, plate-like scapula; proximal and distal ends of humerus are moderately expanded and not twisted; thick femur lacking the fourth trochanter; tarsometatarsal and digits that are typical for ankylosaurs.
- This is similar to the case in other ornithosuchids, and Venaticosuchus particularly resembles Riojasuchus due to the maxilla curving upwards behind the diastema and the premaxilla hooking downwards in front of it.
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