Anagrammen & Informatie over | Engels woord SICKE
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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van SICKE in een zin
- It is divided into four parts: (1) Booke of Simples, (2) Dialogue betwene Sorenes and Chyrurgi, (3) Booke of Compounds, (4) Booke of the Vse of sicke men and medicens.
- He made his will on 23 January 1622/23 being "sicke in bodye", asking "that my bodye be buryed within my late erected chappell neare unto my nowe Mansion howse called Arnoldes scytuated in the parish of Edmonton": he died on 6 February 1622/23 and the will was proved on 8 February immediately following.
Zoek naar SICKE in:
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Paginavoorbereiding duurde: 187,26 ms.