Informatie over | Engels woord WONNE
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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van WONNE in een zin
- Wherein doubtlesse hee hath wonne the reputation of a good and charitable man, deserving to be esteemed as much of us all as if hee had saved all our lives.
- In the Agnus Dei, in C minor, he heard "a feeling of inner hurt which does not tear the heart but is good for it, and dissolves, like a sorrow from another world, to unearthly delight" ("ein Gefühl der inneren Wehmut, die aber das Herz nicht zerreisst, sondern ihm wohlthut, und sich, wie der Schmerz, der aus einer andern Welt gekommen ist, in überirdische Wonne auflöst").
- He published in 1667 120 songs by Gerhardt, adding new melodies to many, writing the first melody for 26 of them, including "Die güldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne" and "Du meine Seele singe".
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Paginavoorbereiding duurde: 184,70 ms.